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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. hahahaah!!! di'kutla taung.... :lol:

  2. a DI"KUTLA chakarryc U_U i am not ashamed of what i am though U_U

















  3. i am NOT a chackar! it means "have you seen my slave?"

  4. ah... so you don't speak huttese? i said "are you goin to pay for that?" adressing the avvy i made you :p

  5. but first, Wanta wonka rah dah?

  6. woot woot!!!! well i REALLY have to go now... i'm being forced to go golfong :( i hate golfing :(

  7. "i'm 12 and i'm a Scottish ginger geek.(Not the best type of person to be in high school,but i play rugby so no-one messes with me!)"


    ah... the best age in the world :) lucky :D

  8. yay!!! yard work is n monday!!!

  9. yeah by me! remember? look at your/mine message history!

  10. yeah... everybody does. well if they're over 10 years old... and alas i was 11 :(

  11. yeah i was acualy thinking about that... but i like scav....a very good nerd friend gave me that name when i was first proclaimed a nerd

  12. GASP!!!!! new name!!!!! Te Je'karta Mandalore!!!!

  13. so it's really that much earlier? it isn't THAT far away

  14. it's 1:23 here... GASP!!!!! you destroyed my group :ball:

  15. i see :D guess what? i might not be doing yard work after all! the guy was supposed to call me at 1:00!!!

  16. i see you now exist again :p

  17. hahaha... BTW mi boska de shag...??? you seen him?

  18. :lol:..... i see you still don't like your new avvy :p
  19. heheeh... well i DO have to clean out a rather large shed :p

  20. well... studying both Mando'a and Huttese and being mad... i have a job doing yard work today :ball:


    at leat the guy pays well :D how bout you?

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