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Everything posted by Trench

  1. You have stolen everything that I hold dear!:swear:



  2. *takes a bow*


    Thank you, thanks you. I'm here all weak folks.:p

  3. :xp: I think next I'll be banned. Though I'd better tell the mods that its not serious first:p
  4. Meh, same hear. I gotta go to the feed store. Be back within the hour (I hope).

  5. Cool. Did you recolor your avvy?

  6. Dude, your Avatar is awesome! Where'd you get it, and do they have Mandalorians?:p

  7. Did you refresh your profile page?>_>

  8. *thinking*
















    I got nothin.:giveup:

  9. Don't sass me boy!:swear:



  10. So. You gonna join in the silliness of the GOT?

  11. Okay, I'm back. The Brothers All Forums is a place where Clone, Clone Commando, and Mandalorian fans hang out. Its got a thread called the Goof Off Thread, where you can go to do pretty much anything silly. I'll give you a link...

  12. Ever been to the Brothers All Forum?

  13. The one you've got now is pretty cool.

  14. What kind are you looking for?

  15. So Dark Mand'alor, whats up?

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