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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Alright. I'll take a brake from the Mando'a to do those skins tonight.

  2. Sounds like a good plan. I can make a .TXI file with the baremetal effect on it. Maybe I'll look through a few other metal effects.

  3. He'll be back...

  4. I apologize for my silliness. Its 10:30 here, and sometimes when I'm tired I get like this.

  5. Shhh... I'm following them!:lol:

  6. *crackle* Copy that Commander! You heard him men! All units go! *crackle*

  7. Hey Bryan, check out TeamFett.

  8. Who? What? Where?:xp:

  9. He's back now. And he's posted in the group.

  10. If he lightened the gray and added some bloodmarks, it would be perfect. The Cannon fodder needs to be a desaturated gray with some pale red plates.

  11. What are you talking about. I can't go on vacation, I've got animals to feed.

  12. That is awesome! You could post that in this art thread.

  13. j7 has commented in our thread.

  14. The pain of not having JKA is hard to overcome:(. :D

  15. That was... It was... Well you saw it.

  16. I wish I had JKA.

  17. That was... Odd...

  18. And the miracle of CGI and stunt doubles.

  19. Yeah, especially considering you also take a step down from the door to get to the desk. And Palpatine cleared both the desk and the steps.

  20. I would be surprised too, if an old Sith Lord suddenly did a spinning leap over his desk right at me. I would have at least sidestepped his attack though.

  21. Kolar and Tiin were pathetic in that scene. A least Fisto put up a fight, and Windu came close to killing Palps.

  22. I think we did well telling our accuser to "shut-it".:D

  23. I don't use imageshack. I upload it to an album, and keep it there. Imageshack is a bit to overzealous around their delete button.

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