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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Way ahead of you man!:D. I'm getting ready to post it now.

  2. :lol:Its what you just did! A visitor message:D. Would you like a transparent background as well?:sign2:

  3. Vode an ner'vod! Vor'e Te Werda Mand'alor! Kandosii!:D

  4. Just so you know, I did the transparent background for Jae's avvy. If your ever interested drop me a VM:sign2:.

  5. Glad I was able to be of assistance:D

  6. Here is your new avvy:


  7. Sure, I'll get it up in no time.:D

  8. I can get it to you tonight. Me and my dad are going to see Transformers.:D

  9. Trench

    How do you do N**?:D I was hoping you could direct me to the Revan re-skin you had in the screenshots of the Revan Force Disguise mod you posted earlier.

  10. Hey Varsity, how would you like the white background of your avatar removed?:sign2:

  11. Pardon me Mrs. Onasi, but I just happen to have a copy of your avatar with a transparent background and a sharpened image...:sign2:

  12. I don't have a problem with it. Its your avatar.:D

  13. Thanks bro. I'll place this in my stash ASAP.

  14. Aren't we all a little crazy:p? Yeah, I posted but deleted it because it wasn't really relevant to the thread. I'm thinking of something to post that won't be deleted by RedHawke.

  15. I will keep this hidden *greedily looks around then runs off to secret stash*.

  16. You want me to place it in my hidden cache, or actually place it on my site?

  17. Oh, well, I am feeling... Inadequate. Oh well. I can still do those .2da edits.

  18. Well, I'll see what I can do tomorrow, but I won't be able to help with the icons. Sorry.

  19. Oh... I'll go back and fix that.

  20. I finished the update. I'm still not completely sure what goes where, so I just left it open for you to explain.

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