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Everything posted by BryanWee20

  1. you have my condolences..

  2. yo mird'ika..

    have you heard from jacen yet..

    it's been pretty quiet lately..


    Oh.. yeah.. i wanted to ask whether you are still able to log on to kotorfiles.. I just can't seem to login to post my mods and weapon packs..

  3. Hi there..

    I was wondering if you could help me out.

    I can't login to your site..

    Is it becuz of my laptop or is it due to server problems?

  4. hi there.. wanna help me out with my TOR armor pack?

  5. Dude.. whats the mod for?

    K1 or K2?

    Need to know.. so I can convert the files.

  6. hey drunkside.. we kinda abandoned my team.. join us at Team Fett..

    The rest of us are there already... working on a mod for K1 for the time being..

    Mando conversion.

    I'm working on a personal mod at the same time.. My own version of KOTOR III.

  7. oh ok.. thks

    For a moment there i thought my laptop was working up again


  8. Hi there. is kotorfiles having server side problems again?

    I have trouble doing a file search at the site

    And i can't log in.

  9. Hi Marius.. Is kotorfiles going through some server problems again?

  10. oh... i see.. cool

    Alright i'll setup the model..if you manage to find tutorial for mapping great..

    If not it looks like i'll be doing it the long way...

  11. hey i don't know abt the heads bit and whether i can give you what you want.

    but i do have head models at my site. why not just use dustil or K2 male head is you want the character to look young. I can do it but the uvmapping is gonna be long.

  12. could give a reference pic?

  13. what do you want them to look like??

  14. umm.. sorry, which helmet model are you talking abt?

  15. Cool bro.. naw i figured out why nobody noticed i was there in the convo.

    haha, I kinda forgot i was on invisible mode. Dumb huh? hahahahaha

  16. Hey mird'ika, did something happen that I don't know about?

    The rest of the team seems to be ignoring my queries in the threads...

  17. hey.. mird do you have the final version of the mod with ya?

    if you do.. could you send it over.

    I've got trouble downloading it from the links

  18. image avatars?

    As in icons for the items?

  19. image avatars?

    As in icons for the items?

  20. give me a week or two...

  21. Btw do you wanna use some of my weapons?

    Here's the link to my weapons section on my site



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