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Everything posted by Ӄhrizby

  1. hey, ZimmMaster, long time no talk. So how's Avol's Vader mod going, any progress?

  2. Oh, wow, that's really cool. I'll do my best, don't know when exactly I can get around to it. I could use the shyrack animations, probably?

  3. Hey. Sure, I'll help if I can. What kind of model is it? Just send it to my email, khrizby@gmail.com, and I'll see what I can do.

  4. oh yeah I saw that, thanks man! I just found out it was released today lol

  5. wow, I knew it's supposed to be good, but I never saw any trailers. I haven't really kept up on it . . . actually, I only own Call of Duty 1. Yes, that's a 'one'. I've played most of the others, but that's how behind I am on it . . . maybe it's time to catch up :lol:

  6. That would be really cool! I've actually had several requests for a tutorial, so I'm a good ways into it already. I could send you what I have so far, if you want. It covers most of it, probably as much as you need for now until you get any modeling done. Where exactly did he leave off?

  7. To tell the truth, the first version I did only took 2 hours and a couple of minutes. It doesn't take that long once you get the method down . . .

  8. Well, I've finished everything except the cape, I think. It's still showing feet through it.

  9. Yeah, I had a few problems with my computer trying to submit it, but it's in now.

  10. "I too, would like a pm when this mod is completed. If it is not too much trouble.



    No problem!

  11. No, it's fine. I just meant that it wouldn't happen right this moment :)

  12. Alright. It may be a little while before I can get started, I have some other stuff in queue; a head model and touching up that Nihilus model. I also have the Weequay PC mod I mentioned that I'm getting ready for release, and that replacing animations tut that I mentioned, but both those are low priority.

  13. Just remember that the model of HK may change just a bit later on . . .

  14. Yeah, then we'd have to make HK's skin look beat up, and the newer ones (50s & 51s) look shiny, so you could tell them apart. Maybe we could make a new level based on the droid factory. It'd be Cinnagar foundries.

  15. Well, I think it could replace HK-47, since they're both droids. We could do that for a first version, to get it out there, and then later I think it'd be nice to write a new dialogue/backstory/quest for it.

  16. So, um, yeah . . . let's just forget about that, and I'll see what I can do on the Krath War Droid model this weekend . . . :)

  17. :eek:Awwww . . .


    One of my dogs just, um, took a bathroom break . . . on my BED!!!



    Sorry. You probably could have lived without knowing that :lol:

  18. Hmmm . . . it's still a good idea, but as I think I mentioned before, my conscience won't let me go half-way on things; I think I might have to model his body to look like one too . . . or I don't think I could grant permission for it :p kidding. But I really would have to model him . . .

  19. That may be a good idea, a have a few that are part-done. And plenty more ideas; I keep all my mod ideas in a MS Excel spreadsheet list; It's now 81 rows long! :lol:

    Or for asking for help too . . .

    "the new LF King of Animations"

    I don't know if I'd go that far! :p I'm working on a tutorial to explain how I do it, so soon you'll see how simple it really is :)

  20. Alright, alright . . .

    I posted a small explanation of how it works here, to tide over people and stop the questions and speculating :p It's not a tutorial, but I'll see if I can find time sometime soon . . .


  21. Actually, once you get it done one time, it's quite easy :)

    Hmmm . . . should I share my knowledge in a tutorial, or keep it to myself . . .? :p

  22. Alright, it's on.

  23. Not sure if you're the person to tell, but just so someone from there knows, the KotORFiles download link isn't working.



  24. Alright, it's submitted and pending approval. Thanks a lot for your help with this mod! I guess this is the end of this project . . . :(

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