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Everything posted by RyuzakiL.Lawliet
Well he didn't really used your skins. He used a skin I made with the HD skin I made with your original skin. If think it was the bomb trooper or something like that.
Here is a screen
Cyro didn't use your skin, he used mine. He asked me before using it. And I asked you if I could use it.
Anyways, i will credit you guys but not sure that Cyro will do it :/
Cyro didn't use your skin, he used mine. He asked me before using it. And I asked Hockey if I could use it.
Anyways, i will credit you guys but not sure that Cyro will do it :/
Hey Fraz
You better know the UnrealED than me so do you know how to change the name of the different units (spec ops, sniper etc...) in the Customisation of the character for MP? And how to add more than 5 skins too ^^. It would really help me
Hey man
May I know how did you do to attach this vest on the skeletalmesh as something else than an accessorie?
Because I think it would be easier than an head accessorie for my project.
Hey Hockey
Could you tell how change the weapon to correct this bug?
It would help me a lot.
PS:Nice avatar^^
mmh... i have a clone commander helmet if you want
Baccara's helmet(no screen), Quilan Vos Head (xD), some character's head and a ep3 trooper helmet. And some skins i found or i did.
And just a question too: I managed to attach my helmets, to attach weaps for 1st person but didn't understand how to attach weaps for 3rd person and for the others troopers :/. And if i import a new weaps, how can i do to make the weap's shot (sry for my bad english x) )
Mmh...well, i tested the arf trooper helmet and i don't have any problem in game :S So i don't really understand what you mean.
But i don't really know how to fox correctly the helmet to the body so could you help me? ^^
I have this problem with all the 'custom' static meshes' I don't know why but i'm not sure you can fix it. But if you can, you have to ask Hockey :S
Hey man
Last time you rly helped me but i need your help again. Could you tell me how to attach static mesh as weapons for the third AND the first person.
PS:If you need some helps with skinning or mapping i can help you if you want
Oh yeah, i forget it. If you want someone who translate your mod in french i can do it too. Voices will be in english but subtitles in french
I just have problem with multi textures meshes x). Because meshes won't have more than 1 texture.
Just another question. How do u create new pawn with a new skeletal mesh? For exemple, mandalorian trooper or something like that?
And to import skeletal mesh in animations because i tried a long time ago but it doesn't work. So i don't know if i need more than .psk file.
Tank you so much. To thank you i let you this link. There is many .msh if you have install the Battlefront tool mesh. And if you convert to .wrl you can import it in blender with a special addon and export it in .obj to import it in .xsi. It suppress some bugs you can have with meshtool
Again thank you so much x)
Man. You're so a god
It works :DDDDDDD I'm so happy. Thank you so much man you're the greatest with the carbonite modders.
Lol i have so much .obj files
I don't know what i could sent x).
Maybe this
There is the original .msh file, the .obj file and the textures.
Ihave tried with .mesh from SwBFviewer and they all work in blender but not in xsi :/
Yeah that's what i did :/ I did all what u said. I think i'm rly unlucky T_T.
It work. But in Xsi when i import my .obj there is nothing in the windows :S. I don't anything in the import window, i let import as objects and no hierarchy. Did i have to chance one thing?
First there is nothing in how this works.txt x) so i don't really know how it work. And when it say Msh filename i write the name of a .msh file, enter and it say press q to quit T_T.
Why it never work with me xD
I don't understand why but Meshtool doesn't work :/ and when i import .obj in Xsi it doesn't work too T_T. I'm so bad T_T
PS:I just saw all the posts about Arc trooper mod x) that's why i know u do stuff with models x)