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Everything posted by JKM29

  1. do we have commander fox cause i really wanna voice him

  2. gamma what we gonna do with the voices man?im trying to add accesories on my clones could u tell me how?

  3. yeah ure right with school til christmas we wont be able to mod much nvm what we gonna do with the voices

  4. prudi what we gonna do with the mod any news?

  5. so man is commander fox in?may i voice him?

  6. merc now whats with the voices may i voice the clone troopers or anything else?

  7. srry but im kinda old modder now

  8. whats ur e-mail?

  9. lets see is there any special character who i can voice?

  10. jasonkiller modder

  11. hey its me bandog2000 hii

  12. HEY HOCKEY ITS ME jason

  13. hi im jkm29 wanna be friends?

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