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Status Updates posted by Scorge

  1. How is the smuggler story?

  2. Hello, good sir.

  3. What are you talking about??

  4. What does it show in-game?

  5. Can you go to this chatbox as soon as you can? I want ti talk about some things in TOR. http://xat.com/KotORgaWGroup

  6. Hey, isn't sithspecter's mod for KotOR 1? This one is for tsl.

  7. Try to get rid of all of your mods deleted and then try it. Should work then.

  8. How do you get a signature like that?

  9. Happy birthday! :D

  10. Not sure how to.

  11. Joined The Walking Carpets guild under the name of Rexx, im a commando specced as a healer.

  12. :( Your retired. We miss your mod's! Hope everything is going alright.
  13. Finally, I had something disabled in settings that made me not able to go to xat.

  14. What happened to the jackass who stole your ship in the beginning of the game?

  15. Sorry for the delay for model's/textures, something changed in my life and I sure am not happy about it. Its probably one of the worst things. I can only go on my computer on weekends. Unless I have to do some research or stuff like that.


    The reason I cant go on during the week is because my Physical Ed teacher has chosen me to be in this fitness program, which basically gets me good on every sport. This isn't an excuse but this is true. Do you have a deadline for the textures/models?


    And I am also practicing on my models to get better, check out my W.I.P thread and see the improvements for your self.



  16. Hey Ferc, hows EotF?

  17. Oh, hey. Forgot to say, congrats on the mod of the year!!! But Im having trouble with RoR beta. Aren't there supposed to be module files included? I've noticed a lot of people are saying about there problems in Corellia, I haven't even seen corellia in game. Am I missing something?

  18. No problem, send a PM to Ferc. And which screenshot?

  19. Hey, hows life?

  20. Is there just a regular trial for it? I can't check because for me, Steam is down for now.

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