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Lechuck last won the day on September 16 2024

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  1. Agreed it was probably the best Not surprisingly, upresing the actual low res art leads to better results:
  2. I've been thinking for a while how much I'd love to have a framed print of some Monkey Island 2 background art. I was looking through the collection of what's been released - which we're lucky to have - but I was sad that some of my favorite backgrounds are not among them. Like Woodtick, or the exterior of the International House of Mojo. We do have a very low res scan of the interior, and I thought, what if I tried using one of these new AI tools to upres that and see if I can get something print-worthy? But then I wondered... what would happen if I put the original pixel art backgrounds through it? I thought the results were interesting enough to share: Then I wondered, why not try some Monkey 1 backgrounds too? Perhaps not quite as successful since they weren't originally hand drawn, but I thought it was still interesting. I know these are all poor mans attempts at getting something we don't have, but people more talented than me could probably turn these into something pretty nice.
  3. That's looking absolutely fantastic - thank you!
  4. Sea of Thieves is multiplayer, right? How will exploring Melee island work - will it be crowded with hundreds of other players?
  5. The overture from 1974's Murder on the Orient Express was playing on the radio yesterday, and there was something very familiar about it: (in case the timestamp doesn't work, it's about 30 seconds in) Compare with: Co-incidence? Homage? Scandal?
  6. This may not be the right place to ask this, but are there any high quality preservations of the art in the code wheels?
  7. That's hitting the right notes for me.
  8. As someone who played the game with his wife (/ who's wife watched him play), touche. 😉 But there is a difference between playing a computer game and running amok in a theme park with vivid, lifelike delusions. But then, I also play Dungeons and Dragons.
  9. What does this ending do to the character of Guybrush (whoever he really is)? There's a huge difference between a child playing make-believe and a grown man. The ending of MI2 may have been shocking and controversial at the time, but it was also... totally fine. Kids play make believe - there's nothing strange about that. We get it. But an adult living in a fantasy world to the point where his wife chaperones him to the amusement park so he can go and play just feels.... a bit weird and uncomfortable.
  10. Thank you for that insight, that's terrific.
  11. Mulling on this further... I know Ron's said that Guybrush sitting on the bench at the end is channeling how he feels, and there's a genuine sadness to it. A weight has been lifted after all these years, but at what cost? Guybrush can't go and start the next adventure with Elaine because the magic is gone. I'll be interested to see if Ron does come back to make more, where he goes from here, because despite what people have said, there was a pretty clear finality to that ending. How can there be any more suspension of disbelief now?
  12. Has there ever been any documentation about who composed which tracks in the first two games (especially 2)?
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