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Knight Owl

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Everything posted by Knight Owl

  1. Maybe it’s just because I watched the trailer a good couple thousand times, but by now the animation movement style has completely won me over.
  2. All the talk of keys reminds me of a thimbleweed park blog post where Ron mentioned that all point and click puzzles can essentially be thought of as doors and keys. https://blog.thimbleweedpark.com/act1issues.html perhaps Ron is taking that more literally in this game and it’ll tie thematically into the story
  3. Seeing how much focus Stan is given in the game's description compared to other returning characters, I wonder if he's going to be part of the inciting incident. We know there's a judge in the game, and Stan mentions judges and court multiple times in his dialogue tree. Maybe the two are related? Like, are we going to Brrr Muda to free Stan (and fix melee island)?
  4. I guess it depends on how much Ron wants to go in the direction of "everything is a metaphor" vs "everything is actually real and happening." Somehow I want both to be true.
  5. That is so incredibly cursed and I hate that I actually kind of like it
  6. When Stan says on the website that he's in jail for "marketing related crimes," I laughed it off as a non-canon joke for the website, but the game's description also mentions this. I think this means there's a very real chance that Stan is actually going to be in jail for selling NFTs like he says on the website, and the thought of that is almost too amazing to fathom.
  7. I think even though each game’s art style is very different, they do all give off similar vibes, which isn’t something that can be said for the Zelda games, for instance (which I think is awesome btw). And I think for some people the new art style understandably makes it harder to get those vibes for ReMI since it is so abstract, which is valid, but for me seeing the new visuals puts me right back in that world.
  8. My favorite shot has got to be the lookout on Melee. The colors are so gorgeous and the shapes feel so three dimensional while also closely adhering to this game’s style. It looks almost like a Pixar color script or something.
  9. Idk, it seems a bit tricky, since I doubt the team wants more notifications flooding their inboxes. But maybe we could all make a collaborative project or something to show our love and support? Idk.
  10. Man, this whole thing is so devastating – to have the joy of sharing art sucked out of you has got to be one worst feelings ever. No one should have to go through the kind of vitriol the team is getting, and I hope Ron shutting down the comments will lessen that at least a little.
  11. Sorry to keep bringing this up, but I just saw a youtube comment saying something like: "Music and story: Great! Artstyle: not so much..." A replier then called them a "clown," and later revealed that they called them that because the original comment didn't hate the artstyle enough. I feel like this game's discourse has hit rock bottom. The trailer on the Nintendo channel has a 50% dislike ratio (you can see dislikes with a chrome extension) which kinda hurts my soul
  12. Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but I wonder if Ron saying that this game isn't "MI6" is a hint to this game not taking place linearly in time. Ron has called Curse MI3, and I have to wonder, what makes that game MI3 any more than this game is MI6? The only technically numbered game in the series is 2, so I don't really see what's wrong with fans calling the rest of the games in the series by their number in the order they came out – that is, unless Ron was actually referring to the chronology of this game's story, which I believe Dave called "amorphous."
  13. The animation in this trailer reminds me a bit of Prince Achmed (if not nearly as stiff and jerky). Created way before any rules of animation were established, but immensely charming nonetheless.
  14. Yeah, that game's soundtrack ended up being incredible
  15. Hey KestrelPi, were you the one I talked to about Psychonauts 2's E3 trailer music with on the Double Fine Discord? I think we may have had a similar discussion back then if that's the case 😁
  16. If you go to the website on mobile, you can see what the key art might look like if cropped to the size of a poster or box art. I can't get over how gorgeous it is, especially the colors. Greenish sky with redish foreground will always be one of my favorite vibes.
  17. Oh yeah, for sure. From the moment we first saw the way the ghost lady's violin was animated to to the music, it seemed like the game's animation would be much more thoroughly integrated into the game's visuals than ever before, and this trailer proves that.
  18. If I had one concern about the visuals, it's that some of the animation feels just a bit stiff to me – leaning a little closer towards linear interpolation than I'd like. For example, in the shot where Guybrush is hanging from a vine, the vine jerks back and forth rather than easing in and out as switches directions, which makes it feel less like it's being affected by gravity. And Guybrush's hair sways almost completely in sync with guybrush's body, lacking a sense of overlap and followthrough. In contrast, I LOVE the shot where Elaine is climbing down the rope. It's so beautifully fluid and smooth, the way she slowly comes to a stop and then her head moves back with her hair slightly delayed. I do think the jerkier motion could work to make the animation feel almost like paper puppets, and if that's the intent then awesome. I think I could definitely get used to it and grow to love it, but just from my first impression, some of it seemed a tiny bit off. In any case, the animations clearly have love and effort put behind them.
  19. Aaaaaaa. Even if I was like, a right winger, I.... I don't see how this has any connection to that. "Liberals love geometric art styles" – like what?
  20. Not a huge fan of the youtube comment section restarting the artstyle drama. I guess that was to be expected... *sigh*
  21. It would be super neat if they got something like the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra if there are songs in the game that call for a much larger ensemble.
  22. Man, Rex's color palettes are SO GOOD
  23. Oh yeah, I think you might be right about that, it does sound a little sampley on a repeat listen. I know Peter McConnell is all about using real instruments, and the violin in the first trailer sounded super real, so I'm sure the final game will have a bunch of that.
  24. I wonder if we're gonna get a Nintendo treehouse live gameplay preview today. They posted one for Live A Live 30 minutes ago.
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