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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. :( No you ebil I cannot continue living without you on Skype



    /Bollywood incoming

  2. :D


    Get on Skypez, much to discuss

  3. :D


    Send it across when you come online, Bee!

  4. :o


    Nice to see it got you somewhere with Chinese, you GWAILO. :p How long you staying at Disney/wherever you are?

  5. :o


    Wat holiday wat is this wat you speak of woman

  6. bp2670.jpg


    Authentic Russian-made binoculars, top quality, perfect vision, very far sight, highly recommended, I sell you special for low, low price of $399 dollars - original at low price, unbelievable sale, buy now, buy now

  7. calling-all-dawns.png


    You will buy this album, yes. Visit the artist's site, he has the songs online free. Buy it. It is amazing.

  8. FD_Strawberry.jpg


    Have some strawberry chips tonight ^_^

  9. Not the mood for Skype? What the **** is that even supposed to mean? Devon and I spend hours and days poking each other with rapiers and tossing cartons of pure boredom at each other just because you are not present to entertain us, and you say you are not in the ****ing mood for Skype? What are you, some sort of Goddess of Cute Aznism?


    Edit: WOMAN.

  10. 1 As a good cow to him who milks, we call the doer of fair deeds,

    To our assistance day by day.

    2 Come thou to our libations, drink of Soma; Soma-drinker thou!

    The rich One's rapture giveth kine.

    3 So may we be acquainted with thine innermost benevolence:

    Neglect us not, come hitherward.

  11. 1. What Chapter 1?

    2. No it is not, but it is still big.

    3. I have always reviewed fanfics at CEC, I've just been a little inconsistent. I only review on the odd occasion of me reading a fic. :xp: Remember, that few have posted in the CEC before I have. :carms:

  12. 1. Work

    2. Invest in Stock Market/Estate/Bank/Whatever

    3. ?????

    4. Profit!

  13. 200/3001 Kanji downed





  14. 280/3001 Kanji downed.



  15. Aaaverieeeeee


    You are a trueeeeeeeee

  16. Actually, there are very few online stores here to start with. And the ones there are, usually have higher prices than the stores. Business here is still done mostly street-style. :cool2:


    I really can't be bothered with all that currency conversion business, I just know that 5000 rupees is the price I'm willing to spend for a graphics card and the 5670 fits the bill just about right. :D

  17. Agreed!


    Though IMO, LucasArts should license the engine and work on it a bit. I'd love to see Star Wars in Total War style! Should be pretty awesome to recreate the Clone Wars and such. :D

  18. Ah no, I assure you it is Japanese. It looks edgy and mysterious. This is why I use it. To look edgy. And mysterious.


    So mysterious.

  19. Ah thanks.


    In case you missed the questions I edited in later:

    Also, can you please define this 'utopian wasteland'? What events in the next 10 years have resulted in this happening? What wars have rendered the world war-torn by 2020?

  20. Ah yes, my glorious new computer can play every game out there, just not at the best settings. >_> Still, I'm proud of my setup, and all I need is a new graphics card, maybe some extra RAM (already have 2 gigs), and a new power box to support all that load. I have my eyes on the ATi Radeon HD 5670, looks like a marvelous little card for its price. Unforunately, the prices are always marked up here. :( Oh well, I suppose you can't download everything. >_> <_<


    Still, it plays Dragon Age, Modern Warfare 2 and Burnout Paradise quite well, so I'm good with those. Borderlands runs great too, but I have to sacrifice the resolution and get a very pixelated, but very smooth output. I'm also holding off playing games like BioShock and Crysis, because I need to experience them in FULL EFFECT. :o


    Them HDDs are turning out to be mighty unreliable lately, I've heard of quite a few failures. So you're more of a console gamer then?

  21. Also reading Franz Kafka, "The Metamorphosis".


    One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in his bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug.


    One of my favouritest opening lines ever. It's just epic.

  22. Also, if you don't legalise all drugs and make child porn legal, I will break all diplomatic ties with the Netherlands and launch nukes on you and all your allies.



  23. Am sorry, oh Son of Litof, I do not get as much time in the mornings as I used to, but I can come up in the evenings/nights, but only if a little someone agreed to come online at the same time. >:3


    I have some great philosophical ramblings to preach, too!

  24. Amusing addendum:

    If the US withdraws support, Afghanistan gets difficult for them. If they choose to pull out, the place would very likely become a terrorist hangout again. Meanwhile, fundamentalism would probably grow in an impoverished Pakistan and over the course of a few decades, the Wahabbi madrasa-educated fundamentalists would have become the new youth, i.e. the driving force behind the country. And that's fun for everyone. :)

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