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Status Updates posted by SpaceAlex

  1. Nah, I'm doing a bit of everything.

  2. Yeah, let me know if you need me to do something. The people are getting impatient. :D


    As for K1EP, it shouldn't be too long now. I took a little break from modding for a while, but now I'm ready to get back to it again. :)

  3. It certainly looks quite a bit different than the original; well done! If you take a look at the pic that is posted in my WIP, you'll see there are quite a few subtle differences there already. You do need an original to compare it to, though; otherwise it's hard to notice. Anyway, I'll work on the skin a bit more and update the thread later with new pic. :D

  4. *rant warning*



    the holidays are over, and I'm feeling cranky. My mod is still a few weeks away from being done, which I don't like at all. I was hoping I would finish it in December, but thanks to the clear sky, I spent much of my free time outside. So that plan got blown away as fast as the clouds in early December. :D Yes, I was hoping for bad weather. It may sound crazy, but I can't do anything on my PC if the sun shines outside - even if I want to. I find myself looking through the window more often than looking into my monitor. :D The best time for modding and gaming is during the night - everything just feels calmer then. The only bad thing about night is that it ends too soon. :D Hey, a high quality skin can take up to 12 hours or more to make, which I'm sure you know. Speaking of skins, how goes your new skin pack,? I'm really impressed with some of the skins.


    Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading through my boring rant. :p

  5. I mostly travel by car, though I'll probably try the train sometime. Can't say I'll be able to find enough will to mod there, though. I prefer to just look out of the window and meditate. :D


    As for Czerka, that's what I already did. Certain male Twi'leks were replaced by female Twi'leks, and the few humans that have nothing to say (I can only remember the ones engaged in a battle with the Wookies on Kashyyyk) also had a few females introduced into their group. I'll look for more opportunities.

  6. I've seen it, but I currently don't have time to work on it. The low-res textures do indeed stand out (in a bad way) a bit too much, so it could definitely use an improvement.

  7. Nope. Everyone's having fun with AP's avatars, so I figured I'd have some too. :D


    Here's where it all started: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=52747

  8. "We are also told to judge on "fruits of the spirit" not doctrine, though many in the Church do the latter rather than the former."


    Well, like many, they chose the easier but ultimately less rewarding path. :p


    "With regards Nietzsche, Ravi Zacherias described him as the most honest thinker of the 19th Century - I concur"


    Does that mean that he actually truly believed in his own words? ;)

  9. Here it is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/SpaceAlex/Dump/Belaya_Temp.jpg I believe that looks good enough. They look like two different women to me with some similar features, which is completely realistic, IMO. Check it out and let me know what you think. If you're satisfied, I'll update the WIP thread.

  10. I updated the post; the SS should display now.


    Also, good work on your newest robe. I think the collar could still use some work (I always spend the most time there since you're forced to stare at it every time you're having a conversation), but I think it looks great overall.

  11. Great! Now every time someone decides to view my profile, he/she will be able to see the message I'm spreading. :D

  12. Hey, SUP? Sorry for not responding earlier; I've been... away. ;)


    Anyway, I may still finish my KotOR mod, but right now I indeed want to get my DA mod done first, at least. :) Time runs too fast - sometimes I wish I could stop it, but had little luck so far. I don't give up that easy, though. :D

  13. Aha, sounds like you've been busy. How's your new life working out for you? Planning any children in the future? :xp:



    "I hear you've been busy too, with moving and such. New job?"


    Nah, I didn't move (it's too beautiful here :p), but I do have a new job which requires me to travel (most around Europe) a lot. Good stuff.



    "I'm glad to see you're back to modding, and (hopefully) near completion."


    I hope so too because my vacation won't last forever. :D



    "Czerka especially needed some variety; now the female employees can wear a uniform . I can't wait to see the Wookiees in-game!"


    Yeah, apart from that annoying protocol officer on Tatooine (which I gave a shiny [ok, not really shiny] new uniform), there were no female Czerka employees. I was able to somewhat fix that now, though there still won't be that many due to the lack of VO.


    As for the Wookies, I'll try to get a SS up. Gorwooken now looks very intimidating. :D

  14. I've done as you asked, and "fixed" the eyes. They do look much better now. I've also put shiny eyes on other skins, but I'm too lazy to update the screenshots. :p


    You'll notice that the lips are also different. That's because she looked weird when she was talking. Giving her different lips fixed that.


    Anyway, hopefully I'm done with that skin. It took me quite a while to get it perfect. :eyepop


    P.S. I like the bushy eyebrows (apparently). Just look at Sunry. :p

  15. "Hey SA, for some reason when I click a "show spoiler" tab"


    Eh... probably takes a while to refresh. Just refresh your browser a few time. Should work. Also clear your cache and history (if refreshing doesn't do the trick).

  16. Go ahead and do whatever you want with them; I don't mind at all. :)

  17. It should work now. If it doesn't, I'll get very mad.


    Have a good night!

  18. I've gotten lazy. :p I'm still planning to finish it of course. Unfortunately, things oftentimes don't happen the way they were planned.

  19. Hope you had a good one. You will now be a little bit more respected amongst people :D That's how things are on this lovely Earth. ;)

  20. Been working hard on the mod for the last 3 days or so; hopefully I'll have enough by the end of the day to update the aging thread. :xp: Anyway, I'm going out for a meditative walk before it gets completely dark (not that I have a problem with that), so see you later. ;)

  21. Yeah, I'll have to go back to it. Although I have made some progress since my last update, it wasn't much. Free time has been taken away from me by Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and Planescape Torment hehe. But there's nothing to worry about. I'll go back to the drawing board very soon. I don't have that much left to do anyway. I'm thinking that typing the readme will take the longest. :D And then many won't read it anyways. :migraine:

  22. I'm with Devon on this one. You should definitely release this... perhaps even if you don't get it to look perfect. It will still look better than what is currently in the game.

  23. Oh, definitely. Fallout 3 has been much improved, but it still can't match the level of TSL, or even KOTOR I. But I like it for different reasons; I think you should give it a try if you haven't already.


    If you want another game with excellent writing, Torment (the writing of many characters is up to the quality of Kreia's) and the first two Fallouts are great (that is unless you've already played them). The graphics are very dated, but the pain of staring at ugly pixels is worth it at the end. In fact, you won't even care after a while. At least I didn't. :D

  24. Yeah, modding is more fun nowadays than playing. Maybe I need to find a new hobby. :eek:

  25. Yeah, it's funny how the most important part of the robes received the least care. :confused:


    Anyway, you seem to be spending an unhealthy amount of time in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict thread. :D Good posts, though. I prefer not to post myself as discussions like these always tend to get out of hand.

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