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Status Updates posted by mimartin

  1. any problems with the install? stoffe is having hell. I picked up at Best Buy just in case I hate TOR.

  2. Just got a Text back, it showed up at 7:00am. :) Just a day late.

  3. Will not be coming to AZ... My friend found a vehicle moving company to do the job. Now we just have to wait and see if it shows up.

  4. hahahaha - WTH... Your talking about it had me forgetting FO:NV last night and goofing around with Oblivion. In FO:NV I'm 99.00% done with the main, but haven't completed any of the DLC. Doing HH, but have mainly just explored so far. Never done much crafting so that was my main focus Sunday night. I know I want at least one more playthrough. Need to do the entire game on Hardcore and really role play it.

  5. No, looks like something I may want to try, but haven't used it yet.

  6. Most of the mods I use or either clothing or face mods. I'm also using a few mod that add NPC to land, vanilla seemed a little empty to me. Really like this one as it solved many of my problems Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System. I also like Kvatch Rebuilt, but watch out it can conflict with other mods. Tavern-Goers adds NPCs to Taverns. I also use a female walking mod, because I play usually as a female. Problem is it makes the PC male walk that way too, so it is only for females. Also must have "See You Sleep" to role-play. I also have about 5 or 10 companion mods added, but never use them. I don't use them, but I didn't want my PC to be the only one of that race added to the game. I usually use the cute elf for my main PC, but have started using the woodelf again because I found a mod that made them look decent.

  7. You didn't go CE, did you?


    I'm just going to go over to Target the day it comes out. They have not failed me yet, plus I received two gift cards for my birthday that will cover it. I'm just going regular edition. Only CE I may get is ME3, got a 10 gift card to Origins that will cover half of the difference.

  8. Makes me think I missing something big beyond the DLC. I'm 66 hours with everyone, but the powder gangers and Legion loving my PC. Just saved the president...I must be missing something.

  9. It is most likely my least favorite too. I've pretty much done more than ever on this run through, now it is time to play the DLC. Think I'm going to do HH first this time.

  10. I deleted my post in the ME3 thread, not because of what you wrote, but because YouTube disabled the enbedded video which ruin a bad joke. :(

  11. "It's like rain on your wedding day." Only with sand and stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_eR0PmDXfs

  12. Even in the Clinton Years the top 1% seem to be doing really well, but during those years the middle and lower class seem to be doing better than they do during the Republican years. Just proves the failure of Reaganomics. Not that I expect anyone to see the truth, since those people don't usually let a little thing like facts get in their way.

  13. I heard this on Bill Maher. Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians I had to look it up because I could not believe even a idiot talking head like Rush could be so stupid...I was wrong. :(


    I really don't get it. Even when Obama does something no sane person could disagree with, they still disagree with him with their last insane breathe.

  14. Have you ever played a MMO? I haven't, but have been talked into TOR. At least I will give it a try until March when ME3 comes out.

  15. Sorry if I came across that way. I assure you my intention was not to frame you as being critical of something without any evidence (beyond a article from someone saying devs could complete the game in 2 hours), my reply was directed at The Outlander Club resident critic. Who seems to like games about as much as Mikey from those old Life cereal ads like anything. I pulled a George Bush type primitive strike, and much like George, I missed the target.

  16. Liked it, like the comments even more. Thanks.

  17. I came to unfriend you, but discovered it is your Birthday. There is always tomorrow.

    Happy Birthday, acdcfanbill!;)

  18. Thanks for rewarding the badge to Q, ChAiNz... For that matter thanks for rewarding all the badges, without you LF would be pretty badgeless. ;)

  19. That had to be better than what she was really saying.

  20. I'll hold off judgment until I actually see it, but I'm with you on this.

  21. I'll be gone this weekend, so no game playing for me. :( Still will spend the day at the Texas Fair eating corny dogs, drinking stale beer and watching college football. :D

  22. Just wanted to say hello, without presenting you with a problem. :D

  23. My last character had 100 in lock picking, but was only getting credit for 98, so without a skills book I was hosed a few time while playing the DLC. Not sure if it was a glitch or if it was due to a trait. So this play through I only picked Wild Wasteland as a trait.


    Also a melee character looks like fun, but don’t know if I will be able to break my sniping, sneaking ways. Ulysses pretty much called my courier a coward for shooting people from distance.

  24. I have decided other than “The Survivalist” parts of Honest Hearts, the DLC isn’t all that great when looked at individually, but (you knew there was going to be a ‘but’) combined they are pretty entertaining and tied together rather nicely.


    Finished Lonesome Road last night, missed one poster somewhere, but pretty much explored the entire thing. Game isn’t as much fun when the enemies as use stealth boys constantly (j/k). After I finished Lonesome Road, I went ahead and finished the Hoover Dam battle. With the weapons from LL and being level 50 that was a breeze. Fully repaired Anti-Materiel Rifle for the win. For once never using my best weapon, waiting until it is really needed paid off.

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