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Everything posted by mimartin

  1. You're fast. Just finished my playthrough last night and everyone made it home.


    Still felt like crap after play the Lair of the Shadow Broker quest. Liara took Shepard going with Tali way too well. :)

  2. Wow, don't really know if it was the last 360 update or what, but for the first time the game did not slow down during the Samara vs Morinth fight.

  3. Played a few hours last night, the highlight being shooting Conrad in the foot, also got Jacob and Tali loyal, paid a visit to the Collectors and then recruited Thane. Another of my annoyances with the game is everyone decides Shepard needs to fix their personal problem all at the same time and then Illusive Man railroads Shepard to the Collector Ship.

  4. My major grip with both of those is the lack of communication aboard the Normandy. However my stance has someone soften during subsequence playthroughs. They are still boring as hell aboard the Normandy, but both of them say enough during different quest for me not to completely despise them.


    I may deny this is the future, but I also enjoy both loyalty missions. Kasumi’s loyalty mission is a little silly, but it has enough humor involved to make it fun and I like Zaeed’s because it does allows you some latitude in your decisions and still gain his trust. Still mainly allow him to guard the ship, but he is a must for the recruit Archangel quest. I’ve used Kasumi exclusively on a few playthroughs, but I don’t suggest it if you are playing on higher difficulties (although that really depends on your playing style).

  5. I’m also having second thoughts about trying to complete ME on Insanity with the Adept I choice this playthrough after dying four times on Veteran while trying to recruit Tali. After the forth death I started the quest over with new party members (for some reason I thought Mordin had Overload). It did not help that Garrus took a nose dive off the side of the platform and every time I revived him he would die again instantly.


    Didn’t play at all yesterday, it was a warm pretty day so I washed and waxed my car.

  6. HAHAHA – That was exactly where I stopped last night. I re-imported my level 60 Shepard and played until I got Mordin on to the Normandy. Pretty sure my play was less frustrating than what you went through. I’m guessing you only fought who you absolutely had to and just made a b-line for the fans. :) That what I do on Hardcore or Insanity.

  7. Thankfully I’m playing on Veteran now which may be the equivalent of ME’s hardcore. I took a page out of your book and decided to tackle Hardcore on a second playthrough with the same PC. I’m not a big fan of hiding in cover taking short burst of shots at the enemy. I’m more charge into a room killing everything that moves until my shields fail and then look for cover type of player. So Hardcore and Insanity are rather tedious to me in ME2.


    Also plain on doing the minimum loyalty quest on my next Hardcore playthrough. It will be interesting to see who will survive. Think I’ll only do Miranda, Tali, Samara and Garrus’ loyalty missions and see what happens. That would be the team leaders, the tech and biotic specialist. I think that would cover most of my bases.

  8. ME was way easier on Insanity.

  9. I've done Insanity a couple of times before giving up about the time I get to the derelict reaper. That and the Collector Ship are a real pain.

  10. Select them just like the loyalty appearance, only you do not have to wait until the loyalty mission is done. It adds a choice and does not replace either the regular outfit or the loyalty outfit.


    I think you are right about Vanguard.:(

  11. I am also a sucker.... I bought the appearance DLC. :(

  12. Just imported over my level 60 Shepard. I'm hoping Vanguard isn't a mistake on Insanity.

  13. I may have gotten bored with the exploration in ME, but I still love the ending. I wonder if BioWare purposely gave Shepard the John Wayne arm pose when Shepard reappears after the piece of Sovereign almost kills Shepard and the team.

  14. Made it to level 60 with ease. :D Just landed on Ilos so still have a ways to got, but not tonight time for sleep.

  15. I've been doing more side missions (so much for a quick playthrough). I did not even know what difficulty I was playing at until last night. I assumed I was playing a normal or casual difficult as I had gone a little over 55 hours without a death. It was set on Veteran as I looked after getting killed by a Thresher Maw without getting a chance to even fire a shot. It had been too long I had forgotten where all the maws were. I also had gotten cocky and was saving often enough so I had to replay the entire planet.


    ME is so much easier combat than ME2, but even I have trouble defending the exploration in ME now. Fanboy or not it just plain stinks. The good news is I will most likely level up before even reaching Virmire now.

  16. So much for doing a quick speed playthrough of Mass Effect; I’m now 50 hours into it and still haven’t been to Noveria or Virmire. I’m at level 59 now, but still a little worried about getting the 188000 points of experience to reach level 60.

  17. Has Arizona lawmakers every heard of the Supreme Court. There is already a way to have some declared unconstitutional. I’m sure Texas will pick right up on this because our lawmakers are just as insane just a little less brave about it.

  18. I'm thinking about joining you in exile from Kavars. The place is getting annoying. Well it has always been annoying; I’m just getting less capable of blocking out the annoyances.

  19. That is about par for the course. Most of Fallout 3 DLC did the same thing. :(

  20. I've decided to play ME again on the 360. Since I have no male PCs at level 60, then I will import that PC to ME2 and finish my achievements. Then that will be my official male PC for ME3. Reusing my first ME PC who was at level 55 named Mike Shepard (no clue how I came up with that name). ;)

  21. Enron, Reliant, Centerpoint... they are all the same. :)

  22. We have a nuclear plant 45 mins from here and we still have rolling brownouts the moment the weather gets below freezing. :)

  23. I started another female character which I’m planning on making an energy weapon specialist (need achievement). Going to do a more direct playthrough as I got most of the running around achievements last time through (Globe Trotter, Master of the Mojave, The Legend of the Star, etc…)


    Still haven’t decided who I will side with, most likely Mr. House. Think I'll try Raul as a companion this time around.

  24. Well finished the Independent Vegas ending. The NCR ending was more satisfying to me. At least I had a high enough speech count to manage to complete the Independent ending without wiping out the NCR. Would have been more satisfied had the choice to guarantee Vegas independence and letting the NCR keep the dam. Can’t decide if I want to do the House ending and pretty sure I don’t want to do the Legion ending. They are way too fun to kill. Also would have to play as a male for siding with the Legion to make any sense.

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