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Status Updates posted by machievelli

  1. You aren't old. You're still a kid, kid. Just a friend I haven't seen in a while. Where is the con being held?

  2. All right, here goes:


    The person who reviewed your story pulled no punches. The first rule I have in dealing with an author, whether screen or print, is how much of the story entertained, amused and surprised me. As that person said, when you described the person they were looking at AS a human being, it was a forgone conclusion where it was located.


    Right now Josh Whelan is the one screenwriter I enjoy, because he takes situations and turns them on their head. Like having someone comment that 'the next time you are going to stab me in the back, try doing it to my face'.

  3. The review system has a link at the top where yoju choos if you wish it reviewed or not. you can always send me a PM or send me one to my email.


    It should be listed on my contact info. If it is not, let me know

  4. I tried to go to chapter 7 and the system tells me there are only six. So I went and read the reviews.


    The one thing I noticed is she is nitpicking, but not flaming you. She's picking specific points in the story, and saying 'why didn't you do this?'. I flipped back further and will have to read each chapter and comment to see if there is justification for her comments, but if I had written that review of your work, I doubt you would have been as upset. Give me a few days, and I'll do just that

  5. If you request it. Can't guarantee anything

  6. No worries; I figured it outr, stupid me.

  7. I know, I found out where it was and was there on Wednesday from ten AM to 4:30. Kept getting the runaround. 'We told them to come back after lunch', then 'We told them to be back after 4', then 'We couldn't have them help because it's a Union shop, so we let them go for the day'. All from the Conventions staff.


    Followed by getting the runaround on the phone from the hotel staff right up to someone from security (Why I was sent to them I have no idea) who told me that they could neither confirm nor deny if you were staying in the hotel, nor give you a message because it violates your privacy.


    Next time, maybe one of us, oh, I don't know, give the other a cell phone number? The note I left for you with that was obviously not delivered.

  8. I was talking about it to a friend. I didn't think you could afford it unless you did it like I have done Cons: One guy with enough to pay for the room, and ten to fifteen of you all split the cost, and give him the money

  9. I figured as much. It was the run around because of 'privacy' and not passing the note on that pissed me off. Will send you my cell phone number so you can contact me direct next time.

  10. I may be wrong, but she reminds me of Zakal a bit.


    Question, is Mass Effect an online game? I was looking at it over at Best buy and it says you need an internet link. If it is, do they charge?

  11. I reviewed it back on the 5th of this month. Did you want me to do a personal review?

  12. So you mean the premise of this suggested story? Is that what you need help with?

  13. That's why I called him my namesake, kid. But it's properly spelled machiavelli

  14. Are you an admin? I'm trying to find my 'Reality of Fantasy' original post, but they deleted it because Christos200 and I got a bit hot and heavy

  15. Since it was deleted, I can't access the 'reality of fantasy' thread I started. Can I get a copy of the original premise>

  16. Just started working on the article after my computer was down for a month. I'll do it this week

  17. I would expect you to do research rather than give a knee jerk reaction. As it is, I was going to ask him when he finally does his whack a mole imitation that if the Palestinians don't have artillery, how does he define bm21 rockets and mortars?

  18. I was able to contact Athenaprime, one of the mods; but so far all I got back was they are working on it.

  19. CHainz, is it possible to get all of the SW linked forums here to let me know when new fiction comes out?

  20. It's not that foolish a question. In old English, you pronounce the whole word, a throwback to Latin where you pronounce all of the letters in a word. So blessed (Which we pronounce 'bles-sd)' is pronounced bless-ed. It wasn't until around the late 17th century that the language smoothed it out to what we're used to now.

  21. no problem That's what I'm here for

  22. Did they delete your story over at fanfic?

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