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Status Updates posted by JediMaster12

  1. I'd be willing to do a joint venture with someone. Maybe put an add to work on a joint venture.

  2. Seems like things are picking up again. RL can be a pain but thank heavens for good distractions eh?

  3. You are so evil mach ;)


    BTW, you should check out my diddy thread. I have a new one up and it is written to a classic favorite of mine. Some may call it sacriligeous with what I have done. LOL.

  4. Place an ad and let them know that those interested should contact me. Until we find someone, I can help you out.

  5. Been busy myself. Working on second master's degree in criminal justice.

  6. Yes and you haunt our nightmares on Elm street.

  7. You need a heroine for what?

  8. No problem on the asking. It's the beginning of the quarter and I don't need surprises at this time ;)

  9. I guess you got a point there.

  10. What kind of fantasy? Are there limitations? I might be interested.

  11. Changed Tyrannus' name and I have an idea for a new Sith that will show up somewhere within the battle if that is ok?

  12. Oh I see. So do you need suggestions?

  13. I don't know if I would be any good at the Mass Effect Rp you had in mind. I read the links and some of it is *whoosh* beyond me at certain points. I might end up screwing up with the classes, etc.

  14. Sure if you want to include him. I just threw that in there and never thought about it. Go right on ahead.

  15. Hi there,

    I am not exactly familiar with Mass Effect so I don't know how well I would be able to fit in with that.

  16. I am still collecting nominations. No one has posted anything yet.

  17. Forgive me for this but it's been on the brain a while, how about a CSI who does seem to know everything?

  18. It's okay. Take your time with the story even though I look forward to it.

  19. Yeah summer is long with 4-10 days but still busy. How's the wedding piece?

  20. Of course it's what you do. And I'll tell you that the Easter bunny is Jewish. (bad joke)


    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  21. Yay! I am waiting to read it. I think it is cute with the kids eating the truffles and their crazy antics.

  22. I don't know if I should try and search for your traps. I might get bitten ;)

  23. It's coming along. I am reading through it.

  24. Hey Old Fart. Guess what? I'll be in Vegas 3/11-3/15. I'm volunteering at the Vegas Con for Supernatural. Awesomesauce.

  25. So I'm old now? *sigh*

    Still its a good thing huh?

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