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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. I don't usually read stuff in the CEC (It can get weird), but yeah, I'll check it out.

  2. Check this out:

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

    Not mine, but I'd love to try and cover it.

  3. And what about that Mass Effect RP I mentioned. It's called Mass Effect: Universe if you're interested.

  4. If it helps, my intention was for all the Citadel races to contribute to the Universe Expedition.

  5. So, are you planning on joining Mass Effect: Universe?

  6. Well, I'd consider the classes strictly a gameplay mechanic, and not entirely relevant within the RP itself.

  7. And I assume Wrath will be back for The Sith Resurrection Part VIII?

  8. Well, it takes place entirely within the Milky Way Galaxy, but since most of the RP will take place beyond that, all you'll really need to know about are the Mass Relays, the Reapers, and Biotics

  9. I'm going to say not human, and not an existing species from Mass Effect. Again, new galaxy and all that. How familiar are you with Mass Effect?

  10. It's sort of uncharted territory, so not really. And extragalactic may be the wrong word, because the expedition team would end up in this characters galaxy right around the start.

  11. Chev's asking about how old Tavaryn is, and what he looks like. Could you help him out? Also, how would you like to play an extragalactic alien in my upcoming RP Mass Effect: Universe? I suggest something extragalactic because I'm guessing you don't know much about Mass Effect.

  12. Probably around 129, maybe older. And about the Mass Effect RP, it's about a team exploring beyond the Milky Way, so you could always play an alien from the galaxy they initially get sent into.

  13. Interested at all in my new RP Mass Effect: Universe?

  14. Ok, the Casting Call for Mass Effect: Universe is up!

  15. I know you've been ignoring my messages for some reason, but I've just posted the Casting Call to a rather ambitious Mass Effect RP you might be interested in.

  16. And naturally, the title I have in mind is Mass Effect: Universe. How does that sound?

  17. My idea basically revolves around the discovery of another type of Mass Relay, which propels any ship that uses it not simply across the galaxy, but across the universe, and the RP would centre around an expedition team, called the Universe Expedition, sent by the Council to investigate this relay, which for this, I'll just call a Super Relay. But the Universe Expedition discovers that while the galaxy they've arrived in has its own Mass Relay network, there's no Super Relay leading directly back to the Milky Way. Completely cut off from the Citadel, their only hope in returning home is to scour countless galaxies in hopes of finding a Relay leading back to the Milky Way. Have I got your attention?

  18. On an unrelated note, I recently had an awesome idea for a Mass Effect RP. Now, how much do you know about Stargate Universe?

  19. (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  20. I've finally got this ready to go:

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  21. Since you suggested Belina and Garja being at Andorra and Lenatha's wedding, I've been wondering, how much interaction has there been between them in the past?

  22. And another I thought you'd identify with:

  23. Considering your recent thread in Kavar's, this seemed appropriate:


    Just something to think about.

  24. Good News! The text crawl for Part VIII should be up within the week. This time around, due to "geographical inconvenience", I've been unable to do it myself, so my brother's doing it instead.

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