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The Gb.com Drinking Game!


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You know how there are drinking games for like TV shows? Where if something happens then you take a chug of beer (Or if you're under 21: Beer), well I thought that GB should have its own.


Here are some parameters, feel free to add your own.


Take a drink if:


Clefo manages to piss someone off, take another drink if he ment to.


Delphi spells something wrong/screws up tenses/whatnot


Sherack acts depressed.


Rhett rips off Dave Barry.


Havoc posts 5 minutes worth of reading in one message.



I'll think of more later

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I'm not even sure if I've heard of Dave Barry before but I do like the quote on his main page.


"If you leave this web site, I will kill this defenseless toilet."



How about everytime LF goes down? Although I'm pretty sure it's not very healthy to be that hammered before breakfast.

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Some more:


Take a drink if:


Clefo wishes firey painful death on (pick one:) Krkode/Delphi/Krkode/Delphi


Clefo points out all the flaws of NASCAR in great detail.'


Someone thinks Clefo is a girl.


Sherack posts crappy poetry


Rhett (or someone else) uses the "Yoink Stick"

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as well as references to Trent Reznor



Why do so many people bash NIN for all the kid anxiety problems? I will never understand.......


And to all this no drinking under 21, what are y'all talkin about? In Ireland and other parts of Europe, no one really cares.

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Originally posted by Clefo

Robert Frost, you are not.


Were your parents divorced, Sherack ;)

The hell? Clefo, I haven't written anything. At least not when I was depressive, I never write depressive poems... and I don't write anything here at *all*. So what are you talking about?


EDIT: And that link you posted is one of the most horrifying thing I have ever read. It sickened me to the point of not being able to go on. How can someone have the inconceivable pretense of "rating" poetry, which is one of the oldest form of art? How can you be as pretentious as defining what a "bad" poem is?


It's people like them that make art something that seems inaccessible to people, when in fact it definitely should.

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