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Download - JK:A Coundown


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Ok, I just started working on it, I should it up in the next 2 hours or so. I plan to use the same background image as before with 800x600 rez and 1024x768 if you would like an alternate Bk image or screen rez than the one's in development please speak out quickly so I don't waist my time making a screen' that no one want's...




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Ok folks here it is... the JK:A Clock Background...


Here's the downloads,






The instructions are inside the zip... but I will post them here for the sole purpose of taking up space ^_^


Read_me.txt for Countdown Clock background for SW:A




Forward: Hi all, this is the background, I know what your thinking… .SWF? .HTML THAT’S NOT BACKGROUNDS! Well actually

It is! I could have written an install file that probably wouldn’t have worked and would have messed up half of the JK:A communities computers… so I made it simple and clean just follow the seven steps below and you will have your background. If you don't like somthing please don't flame me, I'm doing this for the community and for free!




http://www.vision.8m.net <- under construction






1. Download the version of the background that fits your screen resolution [Very Important!]

2. Extract the two files into a directory that you won’t delete soon ^_^ like for me… C:/VanishingVision/AcademyBackground/ <-- that’s where I have mine

3. Go to your “Display” Settings in your “My Control Panel”

4. Click the “Desktop” tab

5. Click “Browse”, now go to the directory where you extracted the .swf and the .htm files

6. Click on the .htm file and hit ok, [if you don’t see an .htm file, you may have to click the “File Type” in the browser window and select “HTML document”

7. Now Click Apply and TADA!!!! You have your background







BTW… this is for the Legal Junkies… all of the disclaimers are on the .swf


Well Enjoy folks!,


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