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any roleplay sites or clubs out there

Sith Primarch

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

BTW, I want amhug and amkiss banned. I don't like gay people touching me online.


Alright, you're getting quote of the day, be happy.


I have been playing this game since early 1.3 and my opinions are as valid as yours...


Early 1.03 doesn't cut it, ASC vs SC was 1.02. By the time 1.03 came around, the rpg nublets already had the upper hand. Also, VAM was starting to show itself during this time.


just because you fps lame and i rpg lame doesnt mean we cant have a civilized discussion...


Do you realize how much of a hypocritical ****tard you sound like?


and you're so lucky i dont have rcon here Rad...oooooh the things I would do to you


may the force be with you


You don't, too damn bad. Go back to trying to asskiss Fallen, UJ, and the others.


EDIT: And I dare not throw in the Apock comparison... Wait, maybe I will.

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Ok - lighten up TK8252MJL, stop trying to police Lucasforums. The mods have everything under control.


Originally posted by TK8252MJL

There are some rule servers that have people who actually fight in it. If you would just play by the server's rules, you would not get in trouble.


* I'll say this again: Most servers have Rules and if a server does not have rules, you can bet your ass on that someone playing there will have Rules. So there are always Rules no matter where you go.


* Players do not often follow these rules. They do, however, expect everyone else to follow them. That's why we have to listen to the constant "HE LAMED MEE"-whining.

One minute people follow the rules and the next they feel like fooling around a bit and brake the rules. First they fight and then they decide to put their saber down 'cause they're low on hp or don't feel like losing to the opponent. Saber down = peeze. :rolleyes:


*90% of admins are immature nazis who abuse their power. Admins never lose a fight. You know why? Because a skilled opponent gets sleeped before he manages to grip-kick the admin to death. Then he is branded lamer. Everyone who plays JO and uses "lame" moves like pull-kick / grip-kick / DFA / lunge / kicks / lightning / drain / saber swings that hit / pull-throw etc. knows this.


Please do not tell us that rules are fairly enforced by fair admins.


Please do not tell us to "find another server", because the problem are the players...and players are whining and btiching and complaining about "laming" on every server.


I started a server a while back and named it ABSOLUTELY NO WHINING/HONOUR CRAP and the first guy who logs on to this FFA tries to challenge me to a duel and when I told him to attack (it was just us 2 on the server!) he explained to me that only duels = skill. Then he lost and called me a lamer because I hit him once he fell on the ground after a saber lock. He disconnected after 5 minutes of "preaching to the noob about how honourable jedi fight".


Getting amsleeped or kickbanned is NOTHING to be proud of. And since 95% of the servers have rules and admins, there must be more people who like to have rules than those who don't.


95% of servers have rules because those who set up servers want control. Not exactly surprising.


Actually, getting kickbanned starts to become something worth being proud of. There are two reasons for this:

1) if you're kickbanned, you obviously beat the crap out of the admin & his friends i.e you are a more skilled player than they are.

2) If you're kickbanned you obviously have been PLAYING the game and understand that this is a FPS, not a RPG.


Let me tell you something... The JK2Files.com server has rules and admins, but there is often a spot on the map where there are people FFAing. You can always join in that, or just run around with your saber activated until someone else ignites theirs and you can fight them. If that doesn't work, you can always try challenging the people to private duels.


That's not an FFA, that's just an unorganized multiduel. The whole point in a FFA is to kill anything in sight and take advantage of everything the map offers.


Running around hoping for something to happen is not exactly my idea of a fun, fast paced deathmatch. And what if someone attacks me? What do I get? A DUEL! :mad:

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Heres an example of how rpgers ruin our fun in ctf servers and the like: well i was on chop shop earlier today, incognito. I was having some fun for a while until the whiner brigade showed up and started whing about force powers and how gay they are, and how grip is for noobs. It was so sad, i had to leave i couldnt take the whining. Chop Shop has gone to the dogs.:(

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Originally posted by chewbacca rules



CHEWY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've just reported that.


TIE Pilot, just tune out people like that. I find it funny how stupid people like that are! They join servers with Force Powers, and then complain that you're using Force. I was in the JK2Files.com server, and one guy was calling someone a newb (not n00b) for using Force. He basically was then hated and flamed the rest of the match. Everyone (including myself) was then calling him the n00b (yes n00b, not newb).

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I think I'm going to pay you a visit on jk2files.com server and post the demo.






you can role play on just about any jk2 server, no one plays on them anymore.


if you really want in a club, pm a guy on these forums named ronin maje (I can't remember his exact name just look in the member list).


He's a very cool dude who runs a rpg club/site.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

So how does


contribute to the discussion?


You're not contributing to the discussion either. Posting about how you reported some people isn't exactly the topic of this discussion. If it is, excuse me because I didn't know a thread with the name "any roleplay sites or clubs out there" would be discussing that.


Making useless posts about how you reported someone is considered spam since you're not contributing to the topic of discussion.


Please leave this job to the moderators and admins. It's their job, not yours.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

I believe that the Report this post to a moderator button is put there for a reason. The moderators can't see everything.


The report button is there for a reason. To report people. But you don't need to compliment a report with a new post telling everyone that you have reported a certain person. That is spam. The moderators know you have reported someone. No one else needs to know and no one else really cares to know.

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Originally posted by Tie Pilot

Heres an example of how rpgers ruin our fun in ctf servers and the like: well i was on chop shop earlier today, incognito. I was having some fun for a while until the whiner brigade showed up and started whing about force powers and how gay they are, and how grip is for noobs. It was so sad, i had to leave i couldnt take the whining. Chop Shop has gone to the dogs.:(


I don't which one of my servers you had a disappointing time on, sorry you didn't enjoy your stay:( It's hard to have 15-20 people on the server and not have some whiners, but with the "on your feet = legal target" rule RPGers don't stay very long. I hope you'll try it again before you move on to Jedi Academy. On the INCREASED SABER DAMAGE FFA-CTF server I have an automated message suggesting players use /ignore <playername> so they don't have to read whining from Force haters and honor weenies, and spam from spam generators, er I mean killtrackers. It works pretty well. Funny, when I am concentrating on fighting to stay alive or capture the flag I don't even notice what's going on in the upper lefthand corner of my screen.


Recently I was on the FFA-CTF server on ffa_yavin. There were only 3 or 4 of us having a good old FFA time. We were jumping around shooting rockets at each other and decapitating each other. This guy shows up, saber off, and walks down to the middle of the map where we are jumping around fighting. Right in the middle of the fight, I see that he is challenging me to a duel!! LOL, like I'm going to drop what I'm doing so I can have the "honor" of dueling him?! I just ignored him and we kept firing rockets at each other. Well, there was some "collateral damage" from all those rockets and he was blown to bits. He disconnected, probably thinking we were "nOObs with no honor". Oh well, you can't please everybody (especially the members of this forum!):)

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

spam generators, er I mean killtrackers.

You know what are worse spam generators than the kill trackers? Those annoying automated server messages!


Oh well, I love the Chop Shop Disruption server anyway. Amidala, you should consider making the server have forced teams, cause it gets pretty uneven at times.

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