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Sith Primarch

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

You know what are worse spam generators than the kill trackers? Those annoying automated server messages!


Yes, I know they are annoying, but it's the best way to inform players and answer their FAQs, since there are rarely any admins around (oops, didn't mean to let that out of the bag). Every day, countless people still come on the server and say "what was that dismember command again?" even though it is in the MOTD, and the automated messages answer them. Since we don't have a web site (and most of the dozens of players who come to the server daily wouldn't go to it if we did anyway), I have been using the messages on the Disruption server to tell them where to download the Palace Wars map, how to install it (people ask "Where do I get that map?", "OK, I downloaded that map, now what do I do with it?", "\GameData\Base folder, where's that?"), and how to /set com_HunkMegs 128 so it will work. I just can't be available 24/7 to answer questions like that, but the automated messages can. On the FFA-CTF server, the messages remind people to "chat at your own risk, then don't whine when you die", "this is a battleground, not a chatroom", "if not fighting go to spectator", "saber off = easier to kill", "don't spawn camp", etc. There's just not enough room in the MOTD to get all that information across. And the automated messages don't appear in my logfile, but all those spam tracker messages do. I really tolerated them for as long as I could, but with the number of people using them (and they are never used by the best players, BTW) and the high number of kills generated with high-damage lightsabers, it was really getting ridiculous. The easy kills on my servers attract the killtracker spammers like flies, trying to inflate their tallies. My logfiles were several MB in size everyday, which is huge for a text file, and a large and growing percentage of it was killtracker spam. I have to read those logfiles, you don't. One month's worth of logfiles is approximately 2 MILLION lines of text (not just chat but all the other recorded events too), and despite the filtering utilities I use I end up scrolling through page after page of "so and so, you are the 112 person I have killed, 3 kills have come from you" or worse. So sorry, no more killtrackers.


Oh well, I love the Chop Shop Disruption server anyway. Amidala, you should consider making the server have forced teams, cause it gets pretty uneven at times.


Team force balance IS on (g_teamforcebalance = 1), but it's power is limited. No server setting in the world is going to keep noobs from piling into the winning team, and also some people call "teams!" when it's 5 vs. 6, or 6 vs. 7, or even 10 vs. 12, as if that 1 person will make a difference. Of course, it's rare for a member of the leading team to call "teams!", even when they are outnumbered, it's always a member of the trailing team, and only if the team balance is against them. Nobody says "teams!" for balance and fairness when their team is the larger one.

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I have not been to your servers in a while but one thing I would suggest setting (if it is not currently) would be the re enabling of all force powers when it is saber only CTF.


I was there a while back and speed was disabled and it was quite annoying having to "trot" back to my base and having a swarm of (sorry for the expresion but this was true) newbies who are just flailing around in light stance mow me down every time and not being able to prevent the "hold down mouse1" crowd and their random swings.


other than that little personal gripe ;) I will say you run a "tight ship" and I liked playing there because I don't see the usual crap that goes on in servers like jk2files.com

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Originally posted by chewbacca rules

I have not been to your servers in a while but one thing I would suggest setting (if it is not currently) would be the re enabling of all force powers when it is saber only CTF.


I was there a while back and speed was disabled and it was quite annoying having to "trot" back to my base and having a swarm of (sorry for the expresion but this was true) newbies who are just flailing around in light stance mow me down every time and not being able to prevent the "hold down mouse1" crowd and their random swings.


other than that little personal gripe ;) I will say you run a "tight ship" and I liked playing there because I don't see the usual crap that goes on in servers like jk2files.com


Thanks for your kind words!

All 7 CTF maps in the 20 map rotation have always been full-force, full-weapon, except just today I disabled blasters, repeaters, and flechettes in ctf_imperial (Garrison 27) because that is a very laggy map and it lags even worse when the server is full and those weapons are used. However, all CTF maps are still full-force and the other CTF maps are full weapon. I am sure the map you are referring to is the one map (out of 20) of CTY (Capture the Ysalamiri) that we play on ctf_yavin. It was saber-only (I recently put trip mines, det packs, thermal detonators, and the Bryar pistol back in at player request) and originally was full-force. However, I disabled Speed and Dark Rage on that map because once you get the ysalamiri, you can't use Speed or Dark Rage as the ysalamiri carrier, and it is too easy for pursuers to turn on Speed and\or Dark Rage and overtake the ysalamiri carrier. The ysalamiri carriers were always getting massacred, so I disabled Speed and Dark Rage on that map to give them half a chance. But I agree it is a drag all the other times when you are running around that big map without Speed. However, you have just given me a great idea: I will increase the speed everyone runs even more so it is 40% above normal for everyone on that map, including ysalamiri carriers. It will be like having Force Speed level 1.5 on all the time, making it easier to get around the map. Thanks!


By the way, during the 20-map rotation you get to play every Jedi Outcast gametype except Duel at least once: FFA, Team FFA, Holocron FFA(!), Jedimaster(!), Capture the Flag, and Capture the Ysalamiri(!). It's pretty rare to see 10-15 players in a Holocron FFA or Jedimaster game, or 10-20 players in a CTY game, yet it happens frequently on my server. It has given a lot of people a chance to try playing some of the more uncommon gametypes, and many are suprised by how much fun they have (although people usually love or hate Jedimaster and CTY). At least it's a change of pace from yet another RPG\dueling "FFA" on Bespin Streets.

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Your server is enjoyable, and ill have to try it out again, ive been playing for a while on it and its not a bad place, i still go there, that was just an example of how annoying they can get. i think he was ti hawk, damn he was annoying.


"grip is for noobs"

"grip whore"

"stop pulling"

"i cant take this im gone"


Then he comes back like 5 minutes later and whines again, but all servers have whining i suppose, so i still play on chop shop.


Yeah and the rotation is great, i especially like jedi Master :D:D


Im sorry if i sounded like i didnt like your servers, i do, its a lot of fun.


Ill try ignor next time

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Amidala, you should also consider taking ctf_imperial out of the rotation. Very few people like it, and it gets very laggy. I sometimes get 0 fps in there :cry6:, so I have to leave when the rotation goes to ctf_imperial.


BTW, Tie Pilot, what name do you use in Jedi Outcast? We should have a showdown at the disruption server.

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Originally posted by Tie Pilot

Your server is enjoyable, and ill have to try it out again, ive been playing for a while on it and its not a bad place, i still go there, that was just an example of how annoying they can get. i think he was ti hawk, damn he was annoying.


"grip is for noobs"

"grip whore"

"stop pulling"

"i cant take this im gone"


Then he comes back like 5 minutes later and whines again, but all servers have whining i suppose, so i still play on chop shop.


Yeah and the rotation is great, i especially like jedi Master :D:D


Im sorry if i sounded like i didnt like your servers, i do, its a lot of fun.


Ill try ignor next time


When it comes to noobs, he should know. He was on my (Red) team yesterday playing CTF on ctf_ns_streets. Our Red flag was at our base, and he had the Blue flag, but he was just standing there 2 feet away from our flag like he didn't know what to do next. So I said:


Admin Amidala, score idiot

T1 Hawk, nope (then he runs away with the Blue flag)

CornXnutS, pice o s**t

T1 Hawk, now u sufer

jedi pippin, kick him in the nards

CornXnutS, nards lol

Admin Amidala, t1 hawk what are you doing?

T1 Hawk, i'm helping bluw

MICHEAL COLLINS, who here gives a s**t about what the whiners say??

jedi pippin, he's mad at me so he's being a big baby about it

Admin Amidala, then join them or ill kick you

T1 Hawk, why?

saFFron, lol

Admin Amidala, play right or leave

T1 Hawk, there should be a reson

T1 Hawk, tell

T1 Hawk, now

Admin Amidala, follow the rules (at this point he finally comes back with the Blue flag and scores)

Admin Amidala, ty


You can't let one idiot ruin your enjoyment of the game. So please just use /ignore "playername" if whiners are driving you nuts.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Amidala, you should also consider taking ctf_imperial out of the rotation. Very few people like it, and it gets very laggy. I sometimes get 0 fps in there :cry6:, so I have to leave when the rotation goes to ctf_imperial.


I totally agree with you, but there are only 4 CTF maps in Jedi Outcast, so I don't have much to choose from. That's why I've been trying to get people to download some of the great 3rd-party maps out there like Palace Wars, but it's very hard with a public server to get people to do that, and the best maps are too big for auto-upload. I didn't think of it until too late, but I was going to send an email to Raven begging them to include hundreds of multiplayer maps (they could have adapted some of the great maps others have made for Jedi Outcast) with Jedi Academy so we server operators will have more to choose from. I know there are 30-some multiplayer maps in Jedi Academy, but that's still not enough.

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Yeah you run a very nice server, Amidala. Every time I visit, it's a nice experience. Only thing that bothers me is the whining n00bs though. But you can't really stop that in any server, they just come anyways... But once no one really pays any heed to their whining, they usually leave or shut up.


Well, your server is great. It's one of the only remaining servers that people actually play the game on. If you move on to JA and host a server for that, I hope other server admins will follow your example and make their servers more gamer-friendly and less roleplayer-friendly.

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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

Amidala, can you post the IP for your FFA server? I'm hearing good things about it ;)


Also, are you running any mods on it?


:) B.


There are two Chop Shop servers. What they have in common is 1-hit kills and dismemberment, with heads and body parts littering the ground, hence the name Chop Shop. When you go to either server the first time, enter

/seta cg_dismember 2

in the console to see dismemberment. You only have to do it once on each server.


Chop Shop Disruption Instagib IP has both Capture the Flag and Team FFA using the Disruption mod. The only weapon is a supercharged Tenloss Disruptor rifle with infinite ammo. All shots are 1-hit kills. There is a group of CTF fanatics that play there all day everyday, so they are amazingly good. Don't feel bad if you die frequently, it's still fun. You will need the map Palace Wars (ctf_palace), which you can download from http://www.pcgamemods.com/611/. Put the ctf_palace.pk3 file in your GameData\Base folder. You will need to type

/set com_HunkMegs 128

once in the console and restart the game once. After that the map will load without errors.


Chop Shop Increased Saber Damage FFA-CTF IP has powerful lightsabers like in the Star Wars movies. Remember Qui-gon, Darth Maul, and Jango Fett getting killed with 1 lightsaber hit? Same thing happens on that server. A good clean hit on your opponent (not their lightsaber) kills them, and usually cuts of their head, arm, or leg, or cuts them in half like Darth Maul. The server rotates through FFA, Team FFA, Holocron FFA, Jedimaster, Capture the Flag, and Capture the Ysalamiri gametypes, so you can play them all on 1 server. It is running Jedi Academy Mod 1.4 so you can do saber-spin taunts and such. There are few rules and there are hardly ever any admins there, and my admins are very lenient and un-Nazi like, so you have to be a real a**hole and ruin other peoples' fun for them to do anything.

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Originally posted by g//plaZma

Yeah you run a very nice server, Amidala. Every time I visit, it's a nice experience. Only thing that bothers me is the whining n00bs though. But you can't really stop that in any server, they just come anyways... But once no one really pays any heed to their whining, they usually leave or shut up.


Well, your server is great. It's one of the only remaining servers that people actually play the game on. If you move on to JA and host a server for that, I hope other server admins will follow your example and make their servers more gamer-friendly and less roleplayer-friendly.


Thank you very much. I work hard to make the servers fun, and it's nice that people appreciate it.

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well, this thread has gone a little OT, not that thats a bad thing in this case.


i have to agree with the above and say that your server is one of the best out there. I quickly got tired of FFA ( i joined JO after 1.04 so actual FFA games were in short supply) so i got hooked on ctf. I started on CT-Guns but the emoting and such eventully drove me off. Went to United Coruscant next and it was good but really laggy. Then i read about your servers here and decided to try them.


Disruption is now my favorite server. My fav weapon has always been the disuptor and even in united Coruscant i would assault the base with it. To find a server where it was the supreme weapon was pure joy. took a while to get used to the fast pace but its really fun. Moved up from dead last to frequently in the top 3 on the server. I played a while over the summer as DK (creative i know :rolleyes: ) and if anyone saw me there i was usually defense on ctf (you'd also know that I * at capping). I was pretty good i think, definitely not the best though. The server is really nice and there aren't very many whiners there. Only one minor experience i had was when some guy complained that I...gasp...pulled him as he ran away with our flag.


eh, bit of a ramble there. Both chop shop servers are good and i'd recommend to anyone who feels like actually killing something/someone, and fast :)

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Well I keep seeing the LAMER being used here. Lamer is some one that cheats/uses bugs in the game also some one that ruins the intent of the game. as like said above some one will grab a flag and not score or some one that team kills. I tend to stay away from saber only games, as I have found that you get a lot of the sad players that cry at every thing.. not that gun maps don't, as they get upset when you pull push grip lighting and all. as for some reason they thing that its a gun map and that's all you should use to kill them.


I like to grp/ grp kick in most map and that tends to upset players. and I get a lot of the your a noob/lamer! yet these are the guys that run around with rage! hehehe makes me chuckle just to think about it.


ok in regards to the post that said about removing one of the maps... well it means that you have less maps to play in and the other 3 will get a bit repetitive quicker. there are great maps out there. but the trouble is all you lazy arse players never want to go down load them. so there is no point in putting them on your server. as you will find the server empty most of the time... maybe we should do a poll how many of you would down load more maps! :p

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For the love of God; look at long as this guy isn't going around trying to force his RPG (Which I think is bollocks but I respect them as long as they respect me) on you and keeps his RPG in the RPG servers he will be no harm for you; so if you can't reply with something useful for this guy don't bother replying.


Treat others how you want to be treated yourself.


For one yes when I go to play MP I want to just blow up people and saber them to death and if some RPG guy comes and tries to force his ****e on me I'll just ignore him and wait for him to get so angry he will leave; however I wont go trolling on their RPG servers and if I end up in one accidently I will then leave.

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Originally posted by The Count

For the love of God; look at long as this guy isn't going around trying to force his RPG (Which I think is bollocks but I respect them as long as they respect me) on you and keeps his RPG in the RPG servers he will be no harm for you; so if you can't reply with something useful for this guy don't bother replying.


Treat others how you want to be treated yourself.


For one yes when I go to play MP I want to just blow up people and saber them to death and if some RPG guy comes and tries to force his ****e on me I'll just ignore him and wait for him to get so angry he will leave; however I wont go trolling on their RPG servers and if I end up in one accidently I will then leave.

I suggest everyone read this over and over. This is how you can play Jedi Outcast how you like to without getting banned. Thank you for the lovely post, The Count.
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TK mind if I ask you a question?

Not to be a dick or anything but are you kind of young?


I'm not asking for any perverted reasons but you seem to be kind of.. umm I can't think of any really nice way to say this with out coming across like a jerk so I'll just say it: clueless at times.


I don't mean that in a bad way, I'm just saying you remind me of "a younger kid who does not understand the dirty jokes his parents are telling".


I really don't think you understand why this whole "rpg silly rules" crap pisses us off so much because you have never been on the "abused" end of it like we have.


I'm not talking about "1 bad time on some server". I mean trying to find just 1 single server out of 300 where I can just go and play this $50 game I bought with out being screwed with by some asshole admin would be nice for a change, but it never happens.


Hence we tend to be hostile towards people like the jk2files.com newbies and their stupid rules.

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