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Who Should Be Batman?

Boba Rhett

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There's been a LOT of names thrown around the past few months. Some that have left me gnashing my teeth at the mere thought and others that have made me scream, "BOOYEAH!"


The three that the role seems to be narrowed down to are as follows,


Christian Bale from such movies as the kick arse movie Equilibrium, the mind insulting Reign of Fire and Shaft.


Josh Hartnett as seen in the hour too long Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down and recently in Hollywood Homicide.


Cillian Murphy The only thing I've ever heard of him in is the recent film 28 Days Later.



THANKFULLY it seems as though Hartnett doesn't want to do it. I've never cared for the guy and don't think he'd truly personify the Dark Knight.


Christian Bale, who I would have no problem calling Batman, seems to be not wanting to take on the role because that would in turn take him out of the running for the next Bond. What a dilemma here! I suppose it's for the best though. :o I think he'd make a great Bond.


As for Cillian, I know nothing about the man but he seems to be the one most likely to get the role at this point in time.



If you could choose from not just from these three but from anyone, who would you have play Batman?

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