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Secret of monkey island


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I have been messing around with Software development for around 3 years, using DarkBASIC and other such simplified languages, I have been itching to make a MI style game, not using tools such as Klik & play but rather to prgram it myself.

i saw the amazing wall paper of the scumm bar and thought how great it'd be to remake The Secret of Monkey using CoMI graphics, what does everyone think? is this a good idea or me being over-ambitious?:jawa

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It's generally a good idea.


But you should definitely try to find a group of people who are very ambitious enthusiastic and won't leave the project halfway through. Alternatively try to join an existing group (like the team who makes Sherman Toothrot - thread).


The situation with LucasArts' Legal Department (another thread) isn't too clear, so you may want to reconsider the remake and maybe choose a more original direction. Yet another thread.

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I agree, I really don't feel like shooting down your dream like this, but Lucas legal Department will be on you like a hawk, or at least would have been, they've seemed to cut down a bit lately, or was that just a rumour or miscoprehension. Also, as a one man team, it could be done considering there is no music or voices, but done in COMI art could be doable. All i suggest here is not to remake SOMI, it would be nice and whilst a lot of die hard fans would say "No! leave it alone, it's perfect the way it is!" i personally would like to see how it comes out, but Lucas Arts simplsy would not allow it. Ron Gilbert cannot come up with his version of MI3 unless he gets the rights to Monkey island, and so you cannot re create somi without the rights also. sorry. But a fan game based on it, now they may just allow that considering you don't try and sell.

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haha thanks, it was just an idea, the one man thing was kinda wrong though, i had around 12 people interested, but the legal stuff often came up in conversations with myself and the volenteers(sp?) surely it doesnt matter about copyright if the game isnt sold? well i dont know about these things sorry if i sound kinda dumb




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It's a touchy subject. You're still using a copyrighted name, although then this raises the issue of other such fan projects such as fan novels and fan art. But you are actualy using all of the ideas, puzzels and story of the game and just changing the art, this probably wouldn't go down well with lucas lega. Do it anyway, if it's any good, you may be able to sell it to lucas arts for a considerable amount and they may release it themselve. But that is a huge longshot, and in even showing it to them, you are running the risk of a lawsuit.

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