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Vehicles And Mods In Jedi Academy


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Hmm.... Speeder Bike racing.. and the wild gambling that goes on in the audience and the drunken fans...


This is one "RPG" mod I wouldn't mind seeing, heh.



Let's see:


Speeder Bike and Taun Taun jousting...


ATST Duels...


Pod Racing, Wampa Wrestling, Rancor wranglin'...


But seriously, some great Siege maps re-creating some classic Star Wars battles (like Hoth, only with Snow Speeders and AT-AT's carrying troops; Endor with Speeder Bikes that have their own guns and Ewoks with gliders and catapults and things; Pit of Carkoon with Skiffs and Sail barges; Genosis with those little animal cart things etc).


Somebody needs to figure a way to get bots working in Siege as well...

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I'd like to see space to land battles and like a mod with a medieval style with jousting, wizard battles (they could be riding on griffins or drakes), and just a place TC multiplayer mod. ;)


For vehicles I'd like some air vehicles and some speeder bike, swoop bike, land speeder, pod racer, and whatever other racing vehicles in like a race and stunt mod. :p


A boy can dream can't he. :D

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podracing and space battle mods seem just a little silly to me since there are already lucasarts games out there that do exactly that....i think the coolest mods would be the speederbike race (Road Rage style) and/or joust

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Hmm.... Speeder Bike racing.. and the wild gambling that goes on in the audience and the drunken fans...


This is one "RPG" mod I wouldn't mind seeing, heh.


Hell yeah! I'm all for that idea! I'd be one of the gamblers at the sidelines, and once I win enough money I'll buy myself a kick-ass speederbike and be racing myself XD woot!

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