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Not enough Customization for you? Try these cool Demo cheats!


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yes, there appears to be an .npc in the .pk3 for every enemy from BOTH JO and JA. i as well am curious how we will be able to access/spawn the JO characters in JA...since its a standalone expansion, it wont be able to read the files from JO and i doubt theyd give all the JO models and sounds with JA, because that would be an immense use of bytes. drag and drop? or will we have to edit some files? i await the final game for the answer....

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help me...


i cant jump highter than force jump 3! even with setforce jump 9


or setforce all 9... i tried even to playermodel kyle_boss but i cant jump on the hight pad at beginning of 2nd mission!


this is the only cheat i cant do...


brw one of the funny thing is playermodel jawa with dual saber! muahahah try even taunt or gloat with jawa player :)

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Originally posted by Grifo

help me...


i cant jump highter than force jump 3! even with setforce jump 9

or setforce all 9 ... i tried even to playermodel kyle_boss but i cant jump on the hight pad at beginning of 2nd mission!


this is the only cheat i cant do...




setforceall 9




setforce all 9

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Star Gamer.. go to page two of this thread and download the attachment that Skinwalker posted.


He compiled the cheats into one list (though he probably has to play catch-up now). ; )


Phoenix, it's already posted on page one, but since you asked so nicely...


Btw, here's how to use fists ("Melee") again:


(in console)


bind <key1> give weaponnum 14

bind <key2> weapon 14


Hit <key1>, then <key2>. Try it combined with Force Speed to beat people up and do a nice "Agent Smith" from the Matrix impression.


Do the same with weapon 15 and you get the ATST gun (no model, but it shoots powerful shots!). ; )

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Also, as I posted in this thread:




Load up a game and enable the red blades for the dual sabers and Saberstaff (ie: enter one code, then the other). Then exit from your game to the main menu.


Now start a new game, your sabers will be red in the menus!


Of course, as soon as you change the color of any of the blades, you won't be able to pick red again without repeating the process.


But it just looks cool, and feels like you are cheating less. ; )

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Ok people. I have been messing around with the 3 sabers cheat on the Chilandria lvl and I have found the Ultimate version of it. Here is what you do. Type these in console:


saber kyle kyle

playermodel reborn_staff

playermodel jawa

sabercolor 1 green purple (what ever colors you want really. I prefer these)



These 4 cheats will give you a Jawa with left-handed kyle saber and a right-handed staff saber. This only bad side to these cheats is that you wont be able to pick up items (shield boosts and health boosts). A good thing about this is that you can attack enemies. but enemies wont attack you until you attack them(with the exception of the reborn with dual sabers at the beginning of the chilandria lvl). Also dont try this on the tatooine lvl becuase chewie will try to kill you as soon as you do the playermodel reborn_staff cheat. Anyway, this is the greatest cheat i have found yet. And here are some great screenshots to go with it.


Go to this site and see all the great picsScreenshots

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To fix Chewie attacking you, put on NoTarget before you playermodel switch.


Then do this:


npcteam enemy (if this doesn't work, try npcteam player, I get 'em confused sometimes)

playerteam player


And that should fix things, then turn notarget off and he won't attack you anymore.


The "won't attack unless you attack them first" thing means I think you set player or npc team to neutral.

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Going through the list of "g_" cheats i found one called "g_dismemberment" (dunno if anyones found it before, if you have and have already posted it please tell me). It dosent seem to be write protected but it dosent seem to do anything.


Although i did somehow manage to cut off chewie's head.

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I first set it to 1500, but that didnt do anything. Then i set it to 99999999999999 (or something like that) and i managed to behead chewie. Ever since that all i've managed to do is chop off arms and hands. It may be my imagination but i think i've managed to cut off more than i usually would.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

What number did you set it to?


Rarely it seems possible to cut off stuff other than hands/legs/arms.


I got cut in half by Kyle once (I was playing as a Reborn) and another time I cut Chewie in half. But I couldn't duplicate the action...


I have cutted chewies head too (just once) and i have also been cutted by half twice by reborns.


I think the bodys have so many points or pixels or whatever that you can only cut someones head if you pass your saber throught some or one specific point in their neck, same with the half cut.

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griff (who btw, is now officially "Da Man") posted this in the "GREAT DISCOVERY (kicks with single saber and much more)" thread:


JK2 style kicks work!


Type this in the console:


g_DebugMelee 1


So a forward + double-tap jump = flip kick (with single saber)!


A strafe+jump into an enemy from the side = flip side kick


Requires at least Level 2 Force Jump, ditto, same as before!



Update: An interesting thing about this mode, is that you can "stick" to a wall as long as you want (just keep the button held down). You can't do much useful up there (since your are stuck facing a wall) but you can toss thermal detonators down and hide I suppose.

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Originally posted by xtrazx75

The Ninja-Style stance (blade facing backwards) can be achieved by using the Staff - then turning off the "upper" blade.


here are some screenshots:





I found this out in another post - all credit goes to tcx:


tcx says....

In the console, type: saberblade a b c


a -> the number of the saber (1 for right 2 for left)

b -> the number of the blade (staffs have 2! 1 is up 2 is down)

c -> on/off variable (0 is off, 1 is on)


with the staff you can turn the first (up) blade off with saberblade 1 1 0


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Originally posted by Kurgan

griff (who btw, is now officially "Da Man") posted this in the "GREAT DISCOVERY (kicks with single saber and much more)" thread:


JK2 style kicks work!


Type this in the console:


g_DebugMelee 1


So a forward + double-tap jump = flip kick (with single saber)!


A strafe+jump into an enemy from the side = flip side kick


Requires at least Level 2 Force Jump, ditto, same as before!



Update: An interesting thing about this mode, is that you can "stick" to a wall as long as you want (just keep the button held down). You can't do much useful up there (since your are stuck facing a wall) but you can toss thermal detonators down and hide I suppose.

Can someone confirm if the flip kick actually does any damage? It didn't seem to for me. Good for knocking opponants down though...
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