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(sry for mistakes, i'm italian)


in JO i like play on those servers (FFA lightsabre only/no force) where u can challange other ppl... as everyone knows, in those duels, kicking is not allowed by server rules and usually player blame u if u kick.


in JA we have the new staff stance.. kicks r half of the fun of this style... so, what do you think about kicking other player while useing a staff? will be considerate a kind of lame thing?

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This is an interesting question, Grifo. IMO, moves that are part of the game should not be considered "lame". They are just another tool to use. That being said, the problem many people had with the kick in JO was that it went right through shields to do damage, and you still had the lightsaber up to defend yourself. So in many ways it one of the most effective attacks, and at the same time you didn't really leave youself open. To some people, this made it more effective than the lightsaber, which didn't seem right, considering what the lightsaber is supposed to be like.


I haven't used the double lightsaber much in JA, but from what I've seen when you kick you leave yourself open to a counterattack. This corrects one of the major problems with the JO kick. I'm not sure about the damage and that sort of thing, so we'll have to see about that.


But I think this kick will be much more acceptable than the one from JO. But then again, it is amazing what people complain about :)

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Don't know about kicking but people tend to call everything they can't or don't want to encounter "lame" ... just like guns are considered lame on those few ffa servers out there that have them enabled. Which leads into question: why does most of the people think that this game & jk2 are only about sabering ? and why most of the ffa servers saber only ?

At least I enjoy using guns, and this why started playing ctf.

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Nothing should be considered lame in JA because there is a counter move to everything, unlike the "flip kick" in JO this kick is unspamable and if you are knocked down you can either kick back by pressing and holding forward, or you can role to either side so there are evasion tactics as well.

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Hmm, I'm with Prime on this one.

I dont see a prob in the JA kicking since it leaves you open to counter attacks and so on. Take the NPC for example, if they kick and you evade you are almost certain to get a free hit.

I can see the prob in it as well. If ppl finds out how to do the kick every time and perfect every time, it could become a prob, but then again its just a part of the game.



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If the same people who whined about stuff in JK2 don't relax and just learn to master the game I predict that they'll probably just ban the Saberstaff and Dual Sabers from their servers entirely.


There are just too many moves in those styles that would probably set off another barrage of whining and cries of "cheap, lamer, scripter!" etc.


They'll probably just RPG duel on their medium stance only Non Force servers with vote-kicking enabled...


Well, forget them!


Here is my suggestion to those people who are going to do the above mentioned things...




Why get a new game with new features if you're just going to whine about them and not use them?


The rest of us will be enjoying playing the full game with every weapon and power as it was meant to be, and especially Siege!

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well i never liked kicking in jo until i met ground attackers etc but hey its the type of servers i learned to play on :s but with that said each server will have diff rules , aslong as ppl follow each servers rules i cant see a prob , plus if a server has a no kick rule and u dont like it DONT GO TO THAT SERVER :D easy and simple :p


one thing i h8 is when ppl connect see a rule they dont like , do it anyway then moan when ppl warn/kick(admin)/ban them .....at the end of the day if its not your server its up to them ppl what rules are on that server :)


but thats my 1 dollar (2 cents pfft gimmie a dollar) ;)

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Well if kicking isn't like JO in JA then I don't want to hear anyone whine about that as well :D And the problem with kicks wasn't that it was cheap or uncounterable, its just that the only way to counter kicks was to resort to them yourself. Not everyone wanted play that way but in servers that maxed out jumping you really had no choice.

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hm i think i stand with Kurgan on this one and i agree with fat101.


my own personal strats account for a lot of ground moves, which, with the new Uber-Effective ground stabs, are far from lame. in fact, seeing anybody (even me) get a pair of lightsabers spun around and stabed through my corpse would be sweeeeet as hell. i mean, thats the attack that SHOUDL follow up a kick, unless you wait to long. in that case just crouch roll and tap attack to stab the opponent, which is, i believe also an instant kill.


btw: In the moves list in the Tab menu (in game, go check it out) there is a double kick. I think its left+right simultaneously then secondary attack. Now i tried this, and tapped the manuever for the Saber Staff Attack Kata, and i cam up with something that looked sweet-- a double kick to either side, and then a straigth away twirly-thingy do attack right out of it. i mean the guy didnt even set his feet back down after the kick, he just "flew" into the next attack. This kind of flow looks cool, although you would have to be in a three on one with an opponent to either side and one in front of you to get both kicks plus the Attack Kata to be useful.

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Hehe, well put Kidso.


If people start calling the new forms of kicking "laming", then they are completely ignorant. Even the old form of kicking had its fatal mistakes if you knew how to beat it (which I did ;) ). Unless of course, someone uses kick scripts. But seriously, if it's part of the game, then use it.


And I got two kick related questions, so here goes.


1. Is the old form of kicking still in this game?


2. (Prepare for n00b question) How do you use the special kicks with the staff? I haven't figured them out yet.


And I just remembered one non-kick related question.


Is there any way to use the "forward stab" without rolling?


Thanks for helping out a Padawan.

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Well front and side kick are both still available in the JA demo. I don't understand the problem with kicks. HELL there is a new bad guy who doesn't even carry a sabre just kick punches and force. Totally cool. That should be a player option in addition to single dual and staff.


Oh if you are having problems kicking in JA, make sure you have the seta command: G_DEBUGMELEE set to 1.

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I have absolutely no problem with the kicks shown in JA. They're designed to be in there, so they should be used. And the 'Attack Enemy on Ground' moves are just plain cool. What's not to like?


So I agree with Kurgan in this. If you don't want to use everything the game has to offer...why bother getting it at all? Just so you can whine about it?


I won't be using the Saberstaff very often myself...I prefer the dual sabers. But I like the new evasive moves from knockdown, so I'll definitely be using those... ;)

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The other thing is, I bet you people will whine incessantly about "special moves" even though they balanced them by making them use up Force power or only be usable if you had a certain level of Force.


The trouble with those "JediMods" is that they often will "tweak" something and unbalance the game, then people will whine when the base game isn't identical.


I never had a problem with kicks, they were just one more move. And they only did 20 damage (and people complain about this when we have moves that can kill you in one hit? lol). I tried a kick script once, but I removed it right away.. it was completely pointless (and flawed), and far easier to do it on my own.


I'm sure there will be people who will want to role play being Darth Maul but not take the bitter medicine of being able to be killed by somebody with more skill or by "non-flashy moves." If they try to do their spinning katas all day and never hit anything... well, that's their own fault, not Raven's.


At the end of the day, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either learn the in's and out's of the game (I'll be doing my part with my strategy page to teach people the basics) or get out and play something else more to your style.. like KOTOR...



Sorry for all the rants, but I'm just sick of some of those types and their whines! ; p


This game will be great.. can't wait.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Here is my suggestion to those people who are going to do the above mentioned things...




Why get a new game with new features if you're just going to whine about them and not use them?


The rest of us will be enjoying playing the full game with every weapon and power as it was meant to be, and especially Siege!


If you think that I will start whining about it and so on then you're wrong. I wont. I want to play this game to its fullest as much as you do Kurgan, and I dont intend to let whiners and other ppl keep me from my JA experience.



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Kurgan, after all, JA isn't perfect, it could have been an expansion, I do enjoy it very much though, because I am only many of the JK2 veterans who just loved JK2.


Anyway, I think this way is better, the other one was so annoying, they could add it, sure, but it wasn't any genious thing.


It was annoying when people side kicked you (lamers) for no reason.

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Maybe this isn't something I should publicly admit, but the JA demo was my first experience with StarWars games. And I found that the moves were pretty well balanced. Some things are more cool looking than useful, but that's to be expected. I mean...what's a game without eye candy? People may whine but...people will always whine. Give them too many powerful moves, they whine. Too many weak, they whine. Balance them out? Whine. It's still going to be a great game. And that's the end of my n00b's two cents.

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If you think that I will start whining about it and so on then you're wrong. I wont. I want to play this game to its fullest as much as you do Kurgan, and I dont intend to let whiners and other ppl keep me from my JA experience.


The comment wasn't directed at you personally, just at people who were whining about the game before it was even out yet, over silly things that were due mostly to lack of experience.


I agree with your sentiment. Way to go! ; )



Master William, you're judging the game already, when the community hasn't even been formed yet. Once people start playing and have learned the moves, things will improve. You can't possibly judge the multiplayer experience right now, even if you did have a press copy.


And no game is perfect. No kidding.


The fact is, there is no such thing as a "lamer" as most people define it.


Kick you for "no reason"? I'll give you a reason.. this is a game about killing!


"Defeat your enemies to score points."


It doesn't say "Defeat your enemies only when they have their saber up and are facing you and done bowing and only use moves that are not cheap and they have honor, etc etc." And the gametype most people play is called "Free For All" not "Honorable Duels Only Saber Off = Peace, no Laming Ok thx."


Sure, I can see people being poor sports and cussing and whining in game and bringing everybody's fun down, or vote kicking somebody because they are being beaten badly out of spite, but otherwise these cries of "laming" are really just another form of whining as I see it.


Whining is a waste of time. It won't stop people from doing the things you don't like. All you can do is kick them from the server, or just ignore them and play the game. That's what I do.


With JK2, some people thought if they whined loud enough and threatened to stop playing the game, then the developers would patch the game until "laming" was made impossible. But of course that was an unreasonable position to put the development team in. It's not their job to prevent "laming" in their games.


Everybody's got an opinion... and you just heard mine. Nothing personal if you disagree of course. ; )

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