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Yavin Final: The clash *Spoilers*


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Can anyone explain to me what the heck that place was in the last level? You know, the room where you face Desann. I loved the level and it was very very cool with the music and greatness, but I'm just wondering what exactly was that place? And what was that machine in the middle of the room? I know it made you invincible for a time, but what was it storywise?

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Originally posted by Whitesaber

Can anyone explain to me what the heck that place was in the last level? You know, the room where you face Desann. I loved the level and it was very very cool with the music and greatness, but I'm just wondering what exactly was that place? And what was that machine in the middle of the room? I know it made you invincible for a time, but what was it storywise?


I don't know if you've read any background material to Star Wars, or anything...but the building used by the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV is actually an ancient Sith temple. If you read some of the Tales Of The Jedi series, there is quite a lot of back-story to the events that led to the Sith being driven from the site.


Also, in the Jedi Academy Trilogy of novels, they touch on what went on in ancient times - Exar Kun was responsible for the temple being constructed. He used the native Massassi as slaves, because they tapped into the Dark Side of the Force.


So the chamber in the heart of the temple is a focus of Dark Side energy, locked away and forgotten for thousands of years. Either Luke could not sense this focus of dark power, or he chose to ignore it.


Desann obviously learned about it when he turned to the Dark Side - from which source, who can say? Perhaps he could feel the pull of the power when he was a student at the temple, and realised it's significance. Hence his obsession to build an army strong enough to get him past the resident Jedi, to tap into this focus of Dark power that, for all we know, could have bestowed on him the status of a Sith Lord.


Hope that helps to give you some idea of the context. ;)

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Correctomundo. you a star wars fanatic? i am.


regardless, if you've read I, Jedi by K. Andersen you would know better what happened, Whitesaber. After Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma went ona sickening rampage, Qel-Droma was captured by his lover and his brother and taken to court.


Exar Kun then fled the area of which Qel-Droma was captured, regrouping his forces with their third partner, Aleema. Aleema and Kun planned to break Qel-Droma out at the trial, but Ulic had become a changed man. With the blood of a billion people on his hands, began to find his old self. Regardless, Exar Kun proceeded to the trial unnannounced, against Aleema's wishes. He broke in with dozens of Massassi bodyguards flanking him, and the self-proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith twisted the minds of the jury and the court officials. Though Nomi and Cay tried to resist Kun, Ulic begged them not to react. Overconfident, Kun announced that nobody would stop his plans.


However, Kun's old master, Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, went against him. Taking the fall for his own student's impodence in their school on Dantooine, Baas decided that he alone would have to take on Kun. Exar Kun displayed the earliest known appearance of a Jedi weapon other than a normal lightsaber--he wielded a meter-long saber staff (approximately 2/5 of a meter long blade on either end, and a 1/5 meter hilt), and easily outfought his old master. Kun tried to lure Baas to the Dark Side, however, Baas's faith in the Force would not waiver. The old master grew tired at towards the end of the battle, however, as Vodo-Siosk Baas vowed to take down his student, the Dark Lord used the kind of speed that only the Sith could provide, and struck down the elderly Jedi. Ulic, though showing a tiny edge of his old self, was easily convinced to return to might with Exar Kun.


In a later battle, Qel-Droma is forced to attack his own brother. THis is the height of his fury, where Cay cannot do anything to stop him. The equivalent of what occured to Ulic Qel-Droma is like Dark Rage in the game: he is physically and mentally unstoppable. Only after he trikes his brother down with relative ease does he realize what he's done. In an attempt to cease his rage, Nomi Sunrider tries a difficult and powerful technique: she uses the Force to stop channeling power to Ulic, and so he is no longer a Jedi. He is effectively Force blind. With the blood of his own brother added to his kill list, he becomes aware that only he can give the Old Republic the knowledge they need to take down Exar Kun. He then informs Jedi Master Thon of Kun's Yavin 4 hideout. Master Thon then moves the entire army of Jedi against Exar Kun. Kun knew he couldnt stop them all, so he activated his final plan--he channeled the Force powers from the Massassi into himself, then, triggering a final wave of Sith sorcery, he entrapped his soul in the tombs of the Massassi temples on Yavin 4. Ironically, Luke Skywalker would choose the same spot as his Academy over four millenia later. The amount of Sith power from the single soul of Exar Kun matches the amount of Force that was channeled into the Valley of the Jedi tombs on Ruusan, something like 2500 years later.


Oh, and btw--Exar Kun's lightsaber was hidden amoungst the ruins of the temples but the loyal Massassi slaves following Kun's death. Around 3950 years later, Darth Maul would win a quest against other Jedi at the orders of Palpatine himself--the objective: to locate the designs of Exar Kun's lightsaber, which he had forever inscribed into a stone tablet, hidden on Yavin 4. Darth Maul beat the other Jedi to finding the tablet, and constructed the double-ended lightsaber first. As a final test of his might, Palpatine ordered the execution of the four other Jedi that failed the quest against him. So, through Darth Maul, the designs of the saber staff had been reopened to the new age of Jedi.


Another Jedi with a saber staff is yet to appear in a novel.

And all that stuff is only a tiny bite of the Star Wars History Cookie!!! :)

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Actually come to think of it I'm a bit confused... I agree that the room is a dodgy leftover from Sith times (I've read all the SW books too)... BUT... I thought a the beginning of the game Kyle needed to energize himself so to speak with Jedi powers so he'd gone to the Valley of the Jedi to get some instant power... or am I getting more confused?! It's been a while since I played it!


Ooooo, I'm looking forward to Jedi Academy! Til then though I think I'll restart Jedi Outcast. :D

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The place you were is the exact same place as where you got your saber. The machine in the middle of the room is a machine where the Force from the Valley of the Jedi is running through. Its also where Desann infused his troops with the power of the force. Yes it was a very cool lv, and so on.


At least thats what I could draw out from the game.



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Originally posted by Jeedii_zaarinn

could this room be a smaller version of the valley of the jedi on ruusan?? i was hoping in the game that stream of power beef up ur force powers.


If you jump into the beam yourself, you do get a temporary Force boost - but it runs out fairly quickly. The trick is to stop Desann from getting into the beam, or you will have to avoid him until the Force boost effect wears off him.

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