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Long jump + dual sabers = saber in the neck !!


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Ever tried the long jump when wielding dual sabers ? The left saber goes right into your throat !!!


Seriously, there are plenty of clipping bugs like this one, when the saberstaff hilt goes into a wall or such... it really shows a lack of polishing the product...




PS : when will we have a FPS with real environment interaction ? I'd like to be able to push/destroy/porce throw all those crates, or cut with my saber a column to have the roof collapse... just because that's how physics work and not because the prgorammer thought of this option.

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Originally posted by ebelleudy

PS : when will we have a FPS with real environment interaction ? I'd like to be able to push/destroy/porce throw all those crates, or cut with my saber a column to have the roof collapse... just because that's how physics work and not because the prgorammer thought of this option.


When you make that game yourself.

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I'll say when computers can produce in realtime what the CG rendering of ILM can do ^.^


And in Half-Life 2 it's probably due to a scripted event, I don't see a roof spontaniously collapsing because you blasted away most of it's supports with a rocket launcher.

I'd almost say Red Faction but there are still loads of walls in there flagged as "indestructible"

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

And in Half-Life 2 it's probably due to a scripted event, I don't see a roof spontaniously collapsing because you blasted away most of it's supports with a rocket launcher.

Nope. It's the Havoc physics engine, actually. And you can see wooden docks spontaneously dumping people and objects on it into the water after the dock legs/columns are destroyed, in a realistic manner. ;)

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When it comes to structures that can be destroyed or at least damaged, then those are simply designed that way in the level - and you don't usually see that many things that can be destroyed in this way. Even in Half-Life 2 there will be buildings and other structures that you won't be able to destroy - but many of the levels will be designed in such a way that the player can take advantage of destroying certain things in opportune places. You won't necessarily have to, but the choice is there if you want to.


So a lot comes down to the developer actually setting out to make an environment more interactive. Interaction sometimes does not actually have any bearing on completing the level, or indeed, completing your objectives. But it helps to bring an environment to life, and react in a more realistic way to the player, which helps them suspend their 'disbelief'.


Unfortunately, that obviously was not one of the design goals for JA. You can't operate any consoles other than those which assist you in your objectives. You can't open any doors other than those that lead you to your objective (or may contain the odd powerup). You can't destroy crates...and there simply isn't any furniture around... at least in the demo. I find this somewhat disappointing.


I have to agree with the sentiment that it's ridiculous you can't cut open crates and things - even if it was similar to the predefined destruction of the crates in the original Half-Life. Not being able to move crates around is also a major oversight, IMHO. And it's not as if the engine cannot handle this sort of thing, because Raven themselves had moveable and destructable crates, barrels, furniture and other objects in Hexen 2. Not everything was destructable, but the ability to smash down a bookcase to reveal a hidden chamber was well implemented in that game.


I would have preferred to see this kind of thing in Jedi Academy. I don't really care about things being dissected realistically by the lightsaber - but having things explode or fall to predefined pieces as you touch them would be good to see. Smash a crate to pick up a health pack or ammo. Push a crate into your enemies. How cool would it have been if you could have toppled a few of the smaller crates over onto the Merc's heads in the Tatooine level, for example? That's a missed opportunity, IMHO, and could have added more depth to the gaming experience.


As always...the same problems start to become apparent - but it's not the way they designed the game, so... *shrugs*

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

half life 2

I think you guys will be disappointed...


Originally posted by StormHammer

So a lot comes down to the developer actually setting out to make an environment more interactive. Interaction sometimes does not actually have any bearing on completing the level, or indeed, completing your objectives. But it helps to bring an environment to life, and react in a more realistic way to the player, which helps them suspend their 'disbelief'.


Unfortunately, that obviously was not one of the design goals for JA.

It is nice to have, but because of the short time Raven had to develop this game, I can understand why there isn't as much of this as people might like. I'd rather they take the time to get the lightsaber fighting and so on really good before that worry to much about that other stuff.
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Originally posted by StormHammer

I would have preferred to see this kind of thing in Jedi Academy. I don't really care about things being dissected realistically by the lightsaber - but having things explode or fall to predefined pieces as you touch them would be good to see. Smash a crate to pick up a health pack or ammo. Push a crate into your enemies. How cool would it have been if you could have toppled a few of the smaller crates over onto the Merc's heads in the Tatooine level, for example? That's a missed opportunity, IMHO, and could have added more depth to the gaming experience.


I miss that too, ever since such features were mentioned to be available in the originally planned Obi-Wan game for the PC. But oh well, perhaps someday ^.^ Technology is always advancing and Star Wars remains popular ^.^ So there's odds of that occuring someday.

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if you could move all the crates and stuff or destroy them you wouldnt be able to get into places that you need those crates to get to or you might be able to bypass entire sections of a level and i dont think they wanted that at all

true at least making some dammage to them could have been kewl but im not too sad about it

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I'll say when computers can produce in realtime what the CG rendering of ILM can do ^.^


I'd almost say Red Faction but there are still loads of walls in there flagged as "indestructible"


Half of the reason is because of lag... not only would we need Cray 843's, but we'd all need T500 lines also...

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Yeah, I remember those early videos and the stuff they showed us at E3 for Obi-Wan pc. Much more interaction than we're seeing with JA so far.



It seems instead they chose to focus on BODY PHYSICS... after all, you can now grip people's dead bodies around and toss them everywhere, with the corpses controting in all sorts of (not always realistic, but you get the picture) ways. The the bodies bend with the environment, so they can be drapped over boxes, or leaning against buildings. You can shoot bodies and they display saber damage and blaster scoring as well as flop around and twitch from your attacks.


Dismemberment was toned down for the demo, but we know there are commands in there to make it as gruesome as JK2 was, so that feature is still there. They obviously figured we'd be less interested in smashing hundreds of crates with our crowbars like in half life and spend most of our time slicing up baddies and throwing their bodies around with our Lightsabers/Force.


Also, did anybody notice how you can force pull powerups and stuff around? Like if you don't need a health pack, you can still pull it and it will bounce around and clank on the ground. Unfortunately, they all use the same sound effect (at least in the demo) of the saber handle hitting the ground. Still, better than nothing!


They obviously put a lot of work into the game, just not into the same things you guys wanted. It sucks, but I can live with it.


And you're right about Red Faction and other games.. there's no way to make it "perfectly realistic" or make EVERYTHING destructable, because then you could cut your way out of the world, and how realistic would that be?


Plus all of that stuff would just serve to boost system requirements and increase the development cycle.. obviously risks they weren't willing to take with this game.


Half Life 2 might end up being the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it's been in development hell for years... like a lot of over-hyped pc games.

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speaking of which i did something weird today. I grip-killed some guy. Then went i went to grip the other guy, i ended up picking up the dead body instead. i forcepushed after realeasing grip, and hurled both the corpse and the other guy over the edge of the cliff. i wish i had a screenshot lol

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PS : when will we have a FPS with real environment interaction ? I'd like to be able to push/destroy/porce throw all those crates, or cut with my saber a column to have the roof collapse... just because that's how physics work and not because the prgorammer thought of this option.


I dont think games will ever have that kinda feature anytime soon.. If you want incredible realism, go outside and take a walk..


Even if games have incredible physics.. I mean, I could just chop through walls and skeedadle through all the enemies

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A perfectly realistic, interactive world has several severe technical issues. I can say this, as a jk2 mapper.


A possibility would be to make detail brushes (which are exactly what they sound like) destructable and interactive, while structural brushes (outer walls) aren't.


Otherwise, there'd be severe issues, like leaving the level and falling through an infinity of space (use noclip and leave the outer wall and you'll see what I mean).


Also, that could cause issues with portals, which are created during the compilation.


Finally, even with only detail brushes being affected like this, a JK2 (or JA) map with similar realism is possible.....if you add 5+ gigabytes worth of scripts.


Such a world in a video game would be very, very, impracticle.

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