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Chaotic saber battles?


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Anyone else who thinks the saber battles seem a bit chaotic?

I mean, it's a bit difficult to control the saber and hit the opponent where you want (especially with the lightstaff). This makes the saber battles mostly about hitting some buttons and hope for the best.

Here's an idea for later if there is to be more games in this series:

Wouldn't it be cool if when fighting dark jedi, you would enter a sort of combat mode, where you can control your strokes more precisely? This could make the saber battles more like in the movies.

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It may seem "chaotic and random" right now, but once people learn the moves it will be as skillful as any fighting game.



Ever play a Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat game against somebody who doesn't know how to play? They just hit buttons at random (aka "buttom mashing") and hope for the best.


But any good player knows that beating these people is easy, so long as you don't get over-confident (and let them get lucky).


The same should be true of Jedi Academy (or Jedi Outcast for that matter).


And please, stop whining about the blocking and saber damage, those can be easily adjusted in the console cvars, regardless of what patch you're using.


JA players will have even less excuse than JK2 players had. Not only will they have the readme file and the manual, but also an IN-GAME MOVIE demonstration (in the 'datapad') that tells you exactly how to do each and every saber move and acrobatic.

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If your just hitting the buttons hoping for the best you might as well go play the machines at the nearest pub or bar near you.


If you actually take your time and try to place your hits you can very easily but don't expect the reborn to not defend themselves. Seems like if a game gets to hard people complain, I like a game thats hard to play. Whats the point in playing if its easy?

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Originally posted by Prime

I think you have a great amount of control, especially considering your using a mouse and a keyboard. I find I can place blows right where I want. Frankly, I've found button mashing is the best way to get killed...


I wholeheartedly agree. :)


Button-mashing gets you killed pretty fast, both in JO and now in JA. While you're swinging like mad, you're completely open to attack. If you take a little more time, and only swing (or make a move) when you see an opening, you last a lot longer.


It's deeply satisfying pulling off one of the new moves as a finishing move.


The only 'button-mashing' I do is during a saber-lock - or when my fingers fumble trying to press three keys at the same time... :p

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A lot of people will whine at first, but eventually they will learn (or quit playing the game and give our eyes and ears a break, whichever comes first).


I think the reason some people are finding the single saber "easier to control" is simply because it is so little changed from Jedi Outcast, and they are already used to using it.


In real life, we don't have "The Force" to help us, so using a lightsaber in battle would be very difficult and we couldn't do most of the things we see people do with them in the JK series (or the prequel movies). And you'll also have to remember that in the time of the Old Republic, they were trained with sabers from early childhood. ; )

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Yeah, I guess we will learn to use the moves right, but my main point is that it looks chaotic. It may have something to do with the saber trails. They seem a bit "jagged" in a way. And sometimes I think they are sort of "exaggerated", for example when you do that move with dual sabers where they leave your hand and fly all over the place.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

A lot of people will whine at first, but eventually they will learn (or quit playing the game and give our eyes and ears a break, whichever comes first).



what if they actually whine all the things that kill them out of existence...like lightsabers for example...AGAIN!


i really hope that raven knows that ppl always whine and thats not a valid reason to nerf things *crosses fingers*

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personally i think the sabers are pretty practical, i mean, if you REALLY dont know what you're doing, you can try button mashing and you MAY win one or two saber fights on padawan, but i guess sabering ain't that simple any more. It does take a good amount of skill to get through chandrila on jedi knight (the level i started on). i beat JO on master and the jedi weren't as smart as they are on knight in JA, which is a good thing.

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Well, I remember the first time I played JO. It was the demo Alzoc III mission. When I fought my first Reborn, it was pure button-mashing, as I didn't know the first thing about saber fighting. My first impression was "geez, this is chaotic." over time, though, I learned all the different saber moves and found out strategies to use on them. I think it's a great saber system now in JO. Now I'm playing the JA demo and getting used to the double bladed and dual sabers, and I'm thinking "geez, this is chaotic." I know though that it'll probably be like JO, where you just have to figure it out and master the moves, then things will flow smoothly.

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geez those guys were easy. but then again, it wasnt my tfirst time with the series, and besides, i had been playing soldier of fourtune as well so i was a good marksman. the first bas--Jedi i took down with the e11, force pushing him, then i shot him when he taunted me--stupid untrained wannabe jedi--the second jedi is even easier. I think the impression they're trying to make is that one is the master and the other is the student, but i found the master easier than the student, lol.

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