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New Stormtroopers? *Spoilers*


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Originally posted by Chuahtemoc

no for real i just thought of something. would the disruptor rifle, fully charged, anomalate the particles from the armor in the suit, and therefore, either disintegrate the suit, or, fry everything including the human inside(its unlikely that they're not human, the empire was intensely racist--not jking)?


Don't mix pseudo-physics and computer games ;)


I doubt the developers cared about this issue at all.

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Originally posted by King Jezuz Pie

Well, the disruptor rifle disintegrates a whole stormtrooper including his suit. Assuming this is a suit aswell, why shouldn't a fully charged dirsuptor rifle shot not disintegrate the whole hazard trooper? :D


Perhaps because a single shot killing them would mean no challenge at all? :confused:

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Well the Disruptor Rifle is supposed to be optimized for working on organic material right? (and 'plastic' armor like the Stormtroopers wear would count).


If these guys are wearing metallic armor that could pose a problem, not only that but their mass is much greater than a standcard size human, armored or not.


So I would theorize that the Disruptor would NOT disintegrate them, though it might not be too healthy for them either...

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Originally posted by King Jezuz Pie

TK8252MJL, the Hazardtrooper doesn't look anything like the saberdroid... :D


How do you know? I'm pretty sure it was a Saber Droid. But I just learned that the site the screenshot was on contained screenshots from the illegal version (the site that was on the twilek torso thread), so I'm not going to discuss it.


BTW, just call me "TK" for short, like everyone does on the JO servers...

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I am assuming this "Saber Droid" you guys are talking about is that droid we saw in a preview (was it worthplaying.net?) that showed a droid guy (had a funny "security camera" shaped head) and a big "bubble shield" around him (unless that was a hit from a DEMP2)....


That may have given rise to the "Dark Trooper" theories. They're thinking perhaps one of those is "inside" the HT suit?

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Well, if those big guys are really Hazard Troopers, then I think it makes sense for them to be quite large, with a bulky suit. If you think about it for a moment, they could be going into environments that are not just zero-G...but with extreme gravity as well, or even liquid environments. To me they are reminiscent of deep-sea diving suits with heavy armour. The armour could be thicker, too, to counter any kind of acidic or corrosive environments.


I'm more inclined to think there is a person inside those suits...but the proportions are still wrong for a normal 'human' to fit inside.

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