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Little Shopping Mall of Horrors

Flying Beastie

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My bookbag from last year reached the end of its functional lifespan, so I switched to the newer bag given to me by my aunt. Fine, all good, except that ~20 blocks is a little far to carry an over-the-shoulder messenger bag (with all the weight on one shoulder), that flops loosely and gets in my way whenever I have to run (for the split-second crosswalks around here). :roleyess:


So I went over to Rideau Centre to get a new bookbag. The only stores that appeared to still be selling bookbags (now that the school year has actually started) are the Sporting goods stores.


You know the ones, with the three or four wookiee-sized sales associates/enforcers standing around to tackle you en masse the moment you walk in, yelling





It's obviously my own mistake for forgetting that these stores cater to jocks, who have the social graces of rams rearing up on their hind legs preparatory to headbutting someone/thing. Only after they have established a dominance/submission hierarchy are they capable of anything resembling interaction. :headbump


Of course, jocks tend to lack basic decision-making skills, so they doubtless need someone to remind them that they want to buy something, and to interpret the huge signs that say "SALE: free track bag with any purchase." :¬:


Anyhoo, I still don't have a bookbag (I refused to play their little dominance-game, so i was effectively bulldozed right out of the store), so I'm gonna have to go to Ottawa U tomorrow, despite the fact that I don't have a class then, and submit to the Nazi Ferengi Bookstore to buy an insanely overpriced UofO bookbag. :snear:

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YAY ! And you get to have the University LOGO !!! Man isn't that AWESOME !!!


I also have to go there tomorrow to buy this ridiculous 135$ + TAX book that isn't even thick! So I won't be able to say:

"Yeah, it was too expensive and I probably got ripped off but look how THICK it is, MAN! That is one THICK book!! LOOK!! OMG it's HUGE!!"


I think that the fact that I'll be knowing that you might be within a 20 metres radius from me wil eventually sicken me... I'll be the one puking. ;)




Yet again I wasted money on overpriced back to school items at Grand & Toys. Those capitalist feinds on Rideau know they're close to OttawaU and that 99% of students are too lazy to go anywhere else so they jack up the prices and there you go students are fooled (Not me because I'm aware of it, I'm just "overlazy"...).... Fools, especially those silly first year students who come from some town in the middle of nowhere and who've never seen a city before.


I bought my bookbag at The Gap, they have cool ones there. I suggets you check it out. It was slightly expensive but only because I got mine in London.

Anyway: The Gap = Good Bookbags.

So make sure you go there before choking UofO with more filthy student money.

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I still use my 4 year old bag that my employer put in my "Christmas packet". (I don't know what the right translation is, sorry :) ) It's a mean ugly thing, but I still haven't managed to break it, so I think I'll be using it until I graduate. :)


BTW, in december I will recieve my B.Sc. degree, so Niner you'd better start saving already...:p

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Originally posted by Jem

The Gap = Good Bookbags.

So make sure you go there before choking UofO with more filthy student money.

Huh. Of course I have to see this after I get back.


And Jem, welcome to the Monopoly. The UofO bookstore is the only place where most of the textbooks are available. Therefore, the store can justify a >100% markup. It's not like the customers can complain.


Unfortunately, the logo on my bag actually says "University of Ottawa" I was hoping to find one that actually said just "UofO," so I could tear off the small "o." ;)


And Edlib, there're about 40,000 people at UofO. at any given time. At least. Usually when I'm on campus my main concern is getting off campus as quickly as possible. Being able to find/recognize one person in this mess is far beyond my abilities, especially when I have to be watching in 360 different directions at once for the human(?) bulldozers who charge through the crowds at dangerous speed while looking in no direction at all.

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I also need a bookbag to carry my A+ books when I start the classes in november... My friend got this really neat one at shenk & tittle on sale for $50. it's really cool...my current one is from 3rd grade, so it's 10 years old...and I carry a change of clothes to work in it all the time.

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

And Jem, welcome to the Monopoly. The UofO bookstore is the only place where most of the textbooks are available. Therefore, the store can justify a >100% markup. It's not like the customers can complain.


You can find textbooks at Agora for less than the UofO bookstore. Still expensive, but less expensive.



Dude, you've also been charged by one of those crazy bulldozers?? Stupid constant constructions, but then again it must have been worse when they were building New Rez.

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The bookstores are where Canadian colleges & universities make most of their profit.


Plus, what program are you in that you can get by on seven books? I'm an English major; I usually need at least seven books per course, most of which are publically out-of-print books (The Morgesons) that no one would ever read (Clarissa, Evelina) if their lives and/or diplomas didn't depend on it (and even then, in some cases).


Like I said, the bookstore has monopoly. Near-total market control.

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I agree with Beastie, campus bookstores charge so much money for books, its like you are buying the last existing copy of it on the planet. My fiance's little brother, who is in his Soph. year, spent well over five hundred for books. Five hundred bucks?!?!?!Makes me glad that I was a history major, and only bought the books that were absolutely needed. I think part of the tuition for a college should be set aside into a bookstore account, maybe 500 bucks, so at least the price for books can be picked up by scholarships, financial aid, and school loans.

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Like I said, the bookstore has monopoly. Near-total market control.


This is the situation all over the US. Here, there is literally no where else to get books. I'm a few miles out of the third or four largest city in Pennsylvania and the entire township is composed of the massive chunk of land Penn State owns. AND my bookstore is controlled by a faceless corporate juggernaut (Barnes and Noble). I still got a better deal than I did at community college.


In short, Canada sucks.



I found my receipt.


The Iliad Used $4.50

Greek Drama (some anthology) Used $4.50

Greek Realities: Life and Thought in Ancient Greece New $19.95

The Nature of Alexander New $13.00

Classics of Moral and Political Theory Used $27.75

The Earth System used $54.00

Some American National Government book I don't feel like digging out to find the title of New $92.90


So your alternate dimension sucks and you should leave as soon as possible.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

AND my bookstore is controlled by a faceless corporate juggernaut (Barnes and Noble).

That might make the difference; B&N is a massive chain, while the Ottawa U bookstore only exists at the UofO campus (and has to make all of its revenue right there.


Faceless corporations ignore you. It's the small companies that are willfully malicious.

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