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Would i get a decent ping on a 56k connection with JA?


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I really hope i can play JA online with a decent ping like Halflife and UT2k3, because i have a great gaming PC, just stuck with 56k, because DSL isnt availible in my area. So does anyone know if JA has good netcode? I mean JA looks to have some amazing online modes, and im really looking forward to it. Also one more question: the Jedi we make in SP mode, does i carry over to the MP modes, or do we have to make a seperate char all together?

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Well, its hard for a game to have good netcode because the internet is constantly fluctuating, so there may be sometimes you can get a good ping, and at other times, you may have a ping of 485, so but with a good Host server and at the right time a day, sure you could get a good ping.

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I tried playing JK2 with my 56k.

I sucked... although it seems i just suck at MP anyway. Sometimes it was totally unplayable. It seemed more playable more often than RTCW though.

I played on my mates' computer with broadband and it was much more fun (i still sucked though).


I just can't be bothered with all these binding moves and stuff. I just want to run around having fun, like the old days playing Quake over a network!

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I managed to play Jedi Outcast with some acceptable pings on some servers, with my 56k connection. A lot of factors can affect your connection, though, like signal strength, etc. I would recommend just trying to connect to lots of different servers to see which gives you the best ping. It's not always the nearest, either. I seem to get better pings playing on a couple of servers in Denmark, but I live in the UK. So you just never know. ;)

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When i had my 56k during jk2, it thought it was fine, sure it gives you a bit of a disadvantage but if you're good then it shouldn't matter much :) I upgraded during jk2 and it makes such an improvement in skill for a few days, it's unbelievable :)

I found that Irish servers were best for me but it might be different for you, my friend down the road finds german servers best :p


If other games work ok then ja should too. :)


Good luck

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Originally posted by Obi-Wan X

Sorry, but if JA is anything like JO netcode wise...then your stuck. The lag is terrible.


Its either booted by the lag itself, booted by ping limit, or vote kicked! JO netcode sucks! *done with rant*


That sir is a lie and you nkow it, i had pings of 130-250 using the all seeing, the only sensible way to get servers.

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dude dont look at adsl as all or bust mate u have alternatives, such as satelite modem (stupidly fast backed up with a stupid ass price tag) or isdn (its cheap but i get a ping of about 100 - 150 on full servers) u can get that anywhere mate..cos i was gutted when the telephone technician told me i was 10 to 50 metres outside the zone for adsl (house across street has adsl ffs) oh and YAY JKA WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DEATHWANDS (lightsabers)

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