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How will you set up your controls?


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I can't stand the default wasd setting on FPS. I have left mouse as primary, right mouse for walk (shift for run), wheel for weapon select. Then for control I have A as back, S and D as strafe. I also have all the force powers rewritten so they surround those three movement keys and are in easy reach. And I use Z for secondary fire. I find I have so much more control over what I do with this set up. It's my standard for all 1st and 3rd person games.

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Your controls are weird, I like to have certain things grouped together, like I like my force powers in reach of my movement keys, attacking and such on my mouse, moving keys close together...heres my setting.


1-10: weapons

-: save quick

=: load quick

backspace: screenshot

\: throwable objects

q: force grip

w: forward

e: use

r: force lightning

t: taunt (:))

y: talk

u: team talk

i: none

o: none

p: third/first person

[: none

]: none

a: strafe left

s: back

d: strafe right

f: force push

g: force pull

h: force heal

j: none

k: none

l: light saber style

;: none

': none

z: force absorb

x: force sense

c: force speed

v: force drain

b: force protect

n: force mind trick

m: none

,: none

.: none

/: noclip, for when I accidently fall off a cliff and I need noclip fast :) (I only use it in the demo though, I don't cheat in the full game untill I beat it)

shift: walk

ctrl: duck

windows key: ripped off keyboard :)

alt: npc spawn chewie

space: jump

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Originally posted by Ocean

Dude wolf 3d is the best game ever period omg





turky dinners rul3!!


I think you'll find that's Mein Leben which means My life! :D


This is my main key config...


ESDF - Forward, Back, Step Left, Step Right

SPACE - Jump

C - Crouch

SHIFT - Walk

CTRL - Use

Q - Quick (Force Speed)

W - Wound (Heal)

R - Repel (Push)

T - Mind Trick

A - Absorb

Z - Seeing

X - Protection

V - Pull

Y - Chat

U - Team Chat



The rest is default settings

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i know a guy who ONLY uses the keyboard in JK2 ... no mouse at all ... and STILL manages to kick my butt repeatedly. hmm, guess that tells you what skills i have.



i'll probably set up JA like i do every other FPS, and just like my JK2 settings are ... all around the keypad, and mouse as well (although i'll use my nostromo n50 speedpad when the mood hits me :p ).


8,2,4,6 ... forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right (respectively)

5 ... crouch

. (or Del) ... walk

- ... force pull

+ ... force push

Enter ... alt attack

7 (or Home) ... sight (or sense in JA's case)

9 (or PgUp) ... speed

1 (or End) ... drain

3 (or PgDn) ... grip

/ ... messagemode3

* ... chat

Mouse1 ...primary attack

Mouse2 ... jump

Mouse3 ... lightsaber stance

Wheeldown/Wheelup ... weapon choice


that's all i need to *cough* TRY *cough* and hold my own.

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I use WASD for walking around, space for jumping. Besides that I have all kinds of usefull binds set up around mij WASD keys, such as "OMG YOU CHEAT!!!11" and "VOTEKICK HIM!!!!11" :)


Furthermore, since I don't use attack, I have mouse1 bound to "LAMER!!!!!11" and mouse2 to "/amsit"...

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I've realised I'm possibly the only freeeeeak who use's a gamepad. :o




Left Shoulder: Use Force

Right Shoulder: Primary Fire

D-Pad: Move Forward/Backward; Turn Left/Right

Right Stick: Look Up/Down Strafe (Push in to walk)

Left Stick: Push in for Saber

Various Buttons: Use, Jump, Crouch, Force Next, Secondary Fire, Saber style.



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Originally posted by BawBag™

I've realised I'm possibly the only freeeeeak who use's a gamepad. :o

...Yup. ( :p )


I'll probably be using the same as my keys for JO, which are:


Mouse directions for looking.

Mouse 1 - Primary Fire

Mouse 2 - Jump


Cursors - Forward/back/strafing


Shift - Force Push

/ - Force Pull

Return - Use item

# - Secondary Fire

' - Use force power

delete - walk

[ & ] - Inventory

z & x - Force Powers


and I've got various force powers bound on the numeric keypad, using the top-row number keys for my weapons.


It's more or less what I've been used to since JK, so it's just trained in now.


Oh, and does anyone else use inverted mouse? I can't do it the 'normal' way anymore :p



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WASD - moving

ctrl - crouch

space - jump

q - speed

e - sense/seeing

r - push

f - pull

g - use force

c - protect

v - drain

b - lightning

n - grip

m - team heal (JK2 still)

z/x - previous/next force

mouse 1 - attack

mouse 2 - 2nd attack

mouse 3 (pressable wheel) - nothing (might put protect...)

mouse 4 - heal

mouse 5 - absorb

mwheelup - lightsaber stance

mwheeldown - next weapon (bit unlogical, but I switch stance a lot)

y, u, i, o, j, k, l - spawn various NPCs (messages and talk in JO)

1-0 and "-" - weapons ("-" for fists :rolleyes: )


BTW, don't you think light and dark powers should be able to share buttons in MP? You don't use both types in there after all...


[EDIT] Goddamn typos! [/EDIT]

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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

...Yup. ( :p )

That must be why I own you at Outcast all the time!

Mwah Hah Ha!


(Just Kiddin' B, ya know it's all good :D )


Oh, I forgot, for accurate aiming I use the mouse:

Left: Primary Fire

Right: Secondary Fire

MButtonUp: Force Next

MButtonDown: Force Previous

MButton: Use Force

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Originally posted by adillon

i know a guy who ONLY uses the keyboard in JK2 ... no mouse at all ... and STILL manages to kick my butt repeatedly. hmm, guess that tells you what skills i have.



That says nothing about your skills, but those guys who use only the keyboard are all the same - they are the pros.


I know them, they go swim in a lake in winter because it's "so hot outside".


Never start a fight with someone who uses only the keyboard - you can't win.




Concerning my keyboard mappings:

It will be the same as in Jedi Outcast (or in any other fps), WASD, space for jump, ctrl for crouch, x for use. The various force powers are around the WASD, only the ones I use most (grip, mind trick, push, pull) are on the mouse. (5 buttons kick @$$)

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WASD movement, I don't see how some people do without it. I have heal on Z, drain on X, push on Q, pull on E. It will have to change in MP though since you can't have both light and dark.


I can only cycle through my force powers one way. :eek: I manage though.

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Originally posted by BawBag™

I've realised I'm possibly the only freeeeeak who use's a gamepad. :o




Nah. I kind of use one too. I use the Saitek GM2...


It's called the GM2 and has a mouse for the right hand that plugs in using something like CAT 5 into the pad that is on the left with a pinky key, two buttons for the two middle fingers, an eight way hat and button next to it for the index and a wheel and button for the thumb. It's great. Completely customizable and CHEAP.

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Originally posted by BawBag™

That must be why I own you at Outcast all the time!

Mwah Hah Ha!

(Just Kiddin' B, ya know it's all good :D )


:p BB, the only thing you own is this t-shirt!




(you know I'm jokin too! ;) )


Seriously though, do you use your mouse at the same time as your game controller? Or just when you're sniping?



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Originally posted by sights0d

Nah. I kind of use one too. I use the Saitek GM2...


It's called the GM2 and has a mouse for the right hand that plugs in using something like CAT 5 into the pad that is on the left with a pinky key, two buttons for the two middle fingers, an eight way hat and button next to it for the index and a wheel and button for the thumb. It's great. Completely customizable and CHEAP.

Ha! I got me a Saitek P2500.

Only because I could customise it as close as possible with the Gamecube version of Jedi Outcast.

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Mouse 1 = Normal Attack

Mouse 2 = Jump


Space = open

Up key = forward

Left Key = Strafe Left

Right key = Strafe Right

Down key = Backward


Ctrl = Alternate attack

/ = crouch

Numberpad 1 = force push

Numberpad 2 = force pull

H = Heal

Shift = Walk

. or L = Saber Type change


Mouse inverted


Might seem strange but I HATE wasd. I have a nice reach with my pinkeh so I can access everything quite easily.

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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

:p BB, the only thing you own is this t-shirt!




(you know I'm jokin too! ;) )





Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

Seriously though, do you use your mouse at the same time as your game controller? Or just when you're sniping?

B. [/b]

Yeah, the sticks on a controller are pretty poor for accuracy. The mouse is better for sniping or using Turbo Lasers. :)

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I don't need all these hotkeys for sp but in my MP setup, just like JO i will have weapons: 1-0 and well -

forcepowers: f1-f12 wish i had a better keyboard :rolleyes:

primary: mouse 1

secondary mouse 2

crouch mouse 3 (the scrolling button, i turned off weapon switch)

\kill Z as i almost NEVER let my oponent kill me:D

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