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To Death Blow - or not to Death Blow - that is the question

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Im not sure how many people are aware of this and after the farce on Anchorhead yesterday I thought i would bring this to peoples attention.


When incapacitated, by dealing the death blow to your victim makes him respawn at their closest cloning place. So if theres a bunch of enemy dudes taking you and your friends out and then you manage to kill them - DONT deathblow them.



If you incapacitate them 3 times after they get up, on the 3rd time, they are actually sent back to their base (example if u r a rebel - back to bestine)


By keep giving them the death blow means they come back over and over and over and not only makes the game boring but can drag you into it.



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If you incapacitate them 3 times after they get up, on the 3rd time, they are actually sent back to their base (example if u r a rebel - back to bestine)


No, you respawn where you cloned. You never go bac k to your base. I've raided Anchorhead loads of times, and always am sent back to AH.


Bit of advice to people who Db though, be in a big group. So they can protect you from incoming TEFers

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Yeah, it just puts you where you're cloned. Always clone before you raid someplace and just spawn there and continue the battle. Really I've found it fun. Ambush the imps as they are coming back to a second assault or sometimes they'll pull a manuever knowing we'll try an ambush and kill off one or two of our guys (thank you revive). PvP is always pretty fun, heck even when it's like 20 v 1 it's still somewhat fun, getting away from the F*ing imperials who come in with their 20 guys and think they can own Tyrena, then calling in backup and slaughtering the imps as they camp by the Terminals (which has become somewhat of a crime in guild warfare. No terminal camping, people are grabbing missions and get caped while they are standing there. Makes for bad flames. So we've put up some rules of guild warfare anyway)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its the lame Temporary Enemy flag. Basically for around 15 minutes or so, any enemy can still spot you and you are open to attack.


I have been caught out with this over and over as there is no way to know. One thing I have noticed, is that if you heal a rebel who was in combat, you get a TEF as I have fallen under attack


Completely stupid.


As for the Cloning issue to my original post. Yes. You get cloned back but I was told that your enemy gets to the point where they r so worn down, they have to return home.



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