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A serious review of MP problems (no flames please)

the weiner dog!

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Ah yes Side I almost forgot about if he makes it back. That's even harder to kill him in JA than if he hasn't made it back yet.


Being a Returner (one who returns the flag) myself, I don't really know much about capping, when when push comes to shove I can hold my own pretty well. There are some amazing cappers in this game (S/O CTF) and playing in JA is a breeze for them. The bottom line is that S/O CTF was one of the most popular competetive communities (we had a sponsored tournament just a month ago while other people had tossed their game in the box labelled "Useless crap"), and all of us who were hoping for that competetivness in the sequel to the game got canned. We aren't just going to pack up and move to a new gametype, it doesn't work that way. We're trying to balance our gametype so we can play with the same balance and fun you all have.

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Originally posted by the weiner dog!

But as I said and now stand corrected, you do not play 1.03, you do not play 1.04 and you DO NOT EVEN OWN JEDI ACADEMY so please leave.


You have nothing at all to contribute to this thread because you have no idea at all about the things we are discussing.


You know what? ill leave this thread, cause people like you be the most useless players ever, and you make me sick.


CTF in jedimaster level just sucked, because of all you have said.

Change the regen time to slow, and choose less force points, and there you have a more competitive ctf game.


And if you cant kill the capper in one hit, well them make it two.


and speed+absorb+jump+sense? ohh, and protect?lol, are you kiding me?


If they play in team, well then play in team you too.

Find a team solution.


Peace i am out.

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Side it's ok we all know you Frenchy’s talk funny.




But he's (and myth) right.


You guys have to keep in mind that the goal is to kill a 90 mph moving target that can leap 100 feet into the air and will be constantly healed and energized by his team mates so he's going to almost always have 100 hp and full force.


To kill said target you must first and foremost, stop his movement.


grip is not an option due to 99.9% of cappers using absorb (and even the dark cappers now can not be gripped and held/slashed by team mates because of the new grip nerf on the line of sight).


push/pull can slow him at times but keep in mind he gets 20 force from each pull so when you run out he's going to have a full force bar and his speed level 3 is going to make him go bye bye right after your final pull (and now depleted force pool).



Kick is not an option because of how slow and restrictive they are with staff kicks.


Guy is camping at the bridge, uh oh he's going to do just like in JK2.. Whap and I get drilled and fall and lose the flag.



lol no wait he ran at me, stopped dead in his tracks and stuck his foot out...


lol later




/back to base



Capper from other team does the same.


Now enter 20 minute stalemate.

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Originally posted by AxVegetA

You know what? ill leave this thread, cause people like you be the most useless players ever, and you make me sick.


CTF in jedimaster level just sucked, because of all you have said.

Change the regen time to slow, and choose less force points, and there you have a more competitive ctf game.


And if you cant kill the capper in one hit, well them make it two.


and speed+absorb+jump+sense? ohh, and protect?lol, are you kiding me?


If they play in team, well then play in team you too.

Find a team solution.


Peace i am out.



lol "slow" is this thing called "default"...


heh got to love these guys.




anyways later and have a good evening.

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Originally posted by the weiner dog!

Umm no offense dude but here is a tip to all Lucas Forum members.


Full Force Saber only is the #1 game type in competitive play and has always been.


I'm sorry if I come across as trite or condescending.. but being a casual gamer I'd like to voice my opinion on any kind of MP changes that people are wanting.


Full Force Saber only is the #1 game type in competitive play and has always been.


Hint to the hordes of competitive players on the forums, it's not our (the casual gamer's) concern. The largest consumer group of games.. normally when a minority of gamers aren't fully satisfied with the gameplay they are getting from a particular game, they create their own version. I know this thread is suppose to be recommendations for improvements for the MP aspect of the game (and as I can tell S/O CTF mainly).. So I would recommend you gather all the players that are capable of making a mod, and make one kick ass S/O CTF mod. Cause in reality, like one poster said, you're not likely to get such a fix from Raven, and that's my humble opinion.


Sidebar - I'm hoping for a good mod community with JA, so we all can get what we want out of JA, albeit competitive or casual.

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Originally posted by Re\/aN

Hint to the hordes of competitive players on the forums, it's not our (the casual gamer's) concern. The largest consumer group of games.. normally when a minority of gamers aren't fully satisfied with the gameplay they are getting from a particular game, they create their own version. I know this thread is suppose to be recommendations for improvements for the MP aspect of the game (and as I can tell S/O CTF mainly).. So I would recommend you gather all the players that are capable of making a mod, and make one kick ass S/O CTF mod. Cause in reality, like one poster said, you're not likely to get such a fix from Raven, and that's my humble opinion.


Sidebar - I'm hoping for a good mod community with JA, so we all can get what we want out of JA, albeit competitive or casual.



League dont accept mod

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Originally posted by Re\/aN

I'm sorry if I come across as trite or condescending.. but being a casual gamer I'd like to voice my opinion on any kind of MP changes that people are wanting.


Full Force Saber only is the #1 game type in competitive play and has always been.


Hint to the hordes of competitive players on the forums, it's not our (the casual gamer's) concern. The largest consumer group of games.. normally when a minority of gamers aren't fully satisfied with the gameplay they are getting from a particular game, they create their own version. I know this thread is suppose to be recommendations for improvements for the MP aspect of the game (and as I can tell S/O CTF mainly).. So I would recommend you gather all the players that are capable of making a mod, and make one kick ass S/O CTF mod. Cause in reality, like one poster said, you're not likely to get such a fix from Raven, and that's my humble opinion.


Sidebar - I'm hoping for a good mod community with JA, so we all can get what we want out of JA, albeit competitive or casual.


Agreed to a degree but keep in mind guys, we paid money just like you did.


I am also all for making a better game for all parties concerned.


When the gunners complain about the delay for the sniper rifle zoom do you see me saying "Who cares what you think, this game is supposed to be focused on sabers so your opinion does not count"?


Of course not.


Same goes for the things put in for the casual gamer.


Personally I think the duel emotes are about as fruity and stupid as a game can get but I'm not going to demand they be removed.



Really if you are a casual gamer, how will these changes affect you?


They won’t.



Software companies make patches for one reason and one reason only.


To make the people who play their games happy and make them want to come back and spend more money on the sequels.


Pure and simple.


And while there was a large number of Jedi Knight Players who bought Jedi Outcast simply because it was the next in the series, a lot of people bought it on word of mouth and based on all of the stellar reviews it was getting because of it's fresh and innovative game play.



Jedi Academy however, was sold 99% on the name and reputation of Jedi Outcast.



You tell a very large portion of those customers to "piss off, play this and like it" and you're only going to drive the sales potential for the next game in the series down even further.


Take a look at Quake 3.


They did a lot of patches but a few were just horrible. It totally messed up the balance and game play.


Now id could have taken the “oh well” road but they listened to their player base, gave their *customers what they wanted and I guarantee you those happy people will be supporting their games for a long time to come.


But let me ask you people this.


If these changes will not effect the casual gamer then why are you so opposed to making them to keep a large customer base (and keep the community bigger and thriving for a long time to come after the initial sale frenzy on launch) around?

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1 question: why do the casual gamers care if kick and the moves we need are put back into the game. why do they care if the force restrictions are taken out of the game so that s/o ctf is playable again. casual gamers shouldnt give a sht. they dont play this game like us. they dont try in this game like us. they just fck around and swing the saber and are happy that they make sparks and sht. let the competitive players have what we need to play competively. the casual gamers will be happy with whatever. its not like they try to win or anything. they just put the wookie skin on and choose their dual saber and chat with friends while emoting.

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Originally posted by noide

1 question: why do the casual gamers care if kick and the moves we need are put back into the game. why do they care if the force restrictions are taken out of the game so that s/o ctf is playable again. casual gamers shouldnt give a sht. they dont play this game like us. they dont try in this game like us. they just fck around and swing the saber and are happy that they make sparks and sht. let the competitive players have what we need to play competively. the casual gamers will be happy with whatever. its not like they try to win or anything. they just put the wookie skin on and choose their dual saber and chat with friends while emoting.


not the way I would word it, but 100% on the mark true.

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there are so many posts about either leaving the game alone or making a mod.


I can't say much to the parties that believe the game should never be touched, other than I'm a selfish bastard who enjoys making pointless efforts to change the game in my favor, even if it effects hundreds of others' enjoyment.


However, in this case, i'm not even about promoting a game change that would effect everyone. I just want something that caters to small group of theoretically undeserving, pathetic whiners like myself. In the end, I'm doing the same as anyone else would if JA had proven unsatisfactory in other areas.


Mods will not solve the problem. This method has been tried, tested, and as I've said before, proven false. Let me give you a small list of mods that added no bells and whistles, and merely attempted to improve game play:


JK2++ : An alternative view on how gameplay mechanics should be for JO. IT was done primarily for those disastisfied with CTF, and the backstab phenomenon. This was probably one of the first server side mods that actually introduced lethal, one hit two hit kill sabers, and force power tweaks, like giving people more ability to use speed and jump. While many fans were happy, the pro community was not, and no one ever accepted it. Plus, leagues apparently don't allow mods like that.


Promod: Another alternative to the saber debate. This one created sabers that were about two to three hits, excluding getting nailed by the red stance chop, etc. Also was the only mod out there that actually changed the blocking system. Although it was 'lag dependent' as some critics would call it, Promod blocking was actually quite accurate so long as you had a reasonable ping. I can attest to this. I would have called myself one of the primary players of that mod.



Anyway, I'm sure there were other things out there, like that X mod I keep reading about. The bottom line is that despite good intentions and great ideas, no vast group was willing to accept it. either people were just too stubborn to leave JK 1.04, always insisting that they 'liked' it (or they really did, whatever), or they just weren't into downloading mods and thought everything was another Jedimod. Mods won't work. Raven is the key. That's it. Raven.


Or... someone can find this magical method to stopping an FC from being nearly invincible in S/O CTF play. Either will do.

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Originally posted by the weiner dog!

-- too big for a full quote.. :)


Well said. I commend your resolve and ability to state your point. These are usually touchy subjects, cause your always going to have party A, that wants things a certain way and party B, that would like thing to stay as is.. Hard to please everybody. I liked the idea of a server-side option, but as far as making certain power moves easier to spam or kicks that is usually abused in other game types, that will affect all gamers, then I say negative. If the changes you are wanting only affect the people wanting the changes then I have no problem what so ever, but when you change something that for the most part is fine, just because of one game type being crippled, then that is not a good reason. IMHO

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k so far we got 2 dark force power totaly useless

Dark rage,Grip....

Dark rage is so useless cuz of move costing force+u dont get any speed bonus with speed on and grip...WHAT THE POINT OF GRIP IN JKA!u get to watch the guy gettin choked that all....wow

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Originally posted by Side

grip...WHAT THE POINT OF GRIP IN JKA!u get to watch the guy gettin choked that all....wow


Throw you saber at him when he's in the air? If you have level 3 grip, you can ram him into walls and throw him about 100 feet in the air, or you can just hold them over a pit and they can't do anything about it, if they force push or absorb they fall to their death.

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Flip kick like in JO:

This will take me 5mins to add back into the game, and another 1 to declare a cvar so it can be enabled/disabled.


Force Requirements/Cost of all moves:

I can cvar both of these for each move in 5-10 mins.


Admin commands that arn't retarded:

I've already coded all of these and I'm ready to port them into JA.


Making grip not lame:

5mins to seek and destroy a stupid Line of Sight If statement and then cvar it.





So I guess what I'm saying is Raven/LA should give me a job or release the SDK so I can fix my server!

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