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The Kyle Katarn Fan Site


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Great Design... neat, catchy and not exagerated or annoying.


Keep it up dude.


Why dont you make an animated gif or a flash movie for Jaden's picture...so that it shows more than just one of the possible looks for Jaden.


Nice idea to put up a fan art section.. I might contribute later on ;)


Good work.

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Its good to see kids like you putting ur talents and potential to use.


I have a 5 year

old son and he was mimicking my jeystorkes at the age of three.


Now he can pretty much run the desktop with no problem.


I hate to think what he will be capable of at ur age.


"no ociffer I didnt know he released a virus that took down the entire internet"





:laughing: :laughing: :laughing::angel:

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Great site ! Yeah, keep it up, that's great for a 14yo.


But I gotta say(this has nothing to do with your site) I hate Kyle Katarn ! There are many great EU characters, Mara Jade is of course the greatest, we all know that !!!!!!!!!!!! It is interesting though, Mara and Kyle were the only ones who were fleshed out with actors/models ; Kyle obviously in JKI, and Mara for the SW card game series... actually now I think about it, in the card game series, some more of the EU characaters were fleshed out.....



Dash Rendar

Corran Horn

Talon Karrde

(*If I remember correctky these last 2 were modelled by the respective authors who created them, stackpole and zahn)

Tyco Celchu


I'm sure there's more but I've forgotten !



Keep up the good work !




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Originally posted by Ackehallgren

I will include the demo, but my server has been malfunctioning, so i will switch server soon... i guess there wont be any updates for some weeks! :(


What the hell is BUMP?

bump is when you post on a thread to put it near the top of the list of threads so it doesn't "die" (people stop going/posting on it) :fett: :fett: :fett:

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