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ok real simple way to fix s/o CTF


no force speed well carrying the flag  

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  1. 1. no force speed well carrying the flag

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i can see how its a problem in its current state.


so simple thing to do, is what other games have done in the past.


when u have the Flag u cant use force speed.

thats sorts the problem right away.


but Force Speed still has its uses.


just like for any of u UT player out there, use the trans to get in a grab it then run like hell to get back.


i think thats a good way to do it, i mean just from my point of view i never liked the Force Speed well carrying the flag, as the maps weren't even that big.


would have been the same in UT if u could translocate with the flag.



i dont know about u but i think not allowing force speed when carrying the flag (but can be used any other time) would improve CTF and sort out the current problem.


what do u think?

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This is no good because it does the one thing that S/O CTF players DO NOT want.... nerfing.


Nerfing, especially in a game about force powers and melee, is the LAST thing to do for a more competitive game.


The kicks and stuff are ALREADY out, and even if speed were removed just for the flag carrier, in the end, it would still create a watered down version of capture the flag. Besides, if the guy can still run at normal speed and block sabers at an amazing rate, all the while absorbing, being energized, and using protect occassionally, it will STILL be impossible to kill him. Trust me, the top players will find some method to protect the guy who can't move fast. All you need is a good body guard and two others doing the heal/energize method, and you're man is still invincible pending he plays the cards right.

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its not taking out force speed, just stopping u using it to cap the flag.


it would still have plenty of other uses.


but u say S/O CTF players dont want nerfing, but other players dont want the kick back in.


only other thing to do is put in the side kick for CTF Only.


altho to be honest i dont see how putting the kick back in will really help.


as u said with without speed they would still be unstopable. and as u can get back up far quick that u used to, what with the roll as soon as u hit the ground or the kcik back up.


even if u kick them over they going to be back up and running again before u get chance to get enough damage in

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OK, so how about making it so you do have force speed but flag carrier run at 75% of the speed of someone who is not carrying the flag? I think this would keep the pace, but logically you don't run as fast when carrying a great big flag...



kicking should NOT be the only way to kill a flag carrier.

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We have a working method, why slow gameplay and change forces? Change one force then you want to change another and another.


From the point of view of a ctf newb, i think its far easier to dodge kicks than have nurfed speed and a gang of people running to bang me. As you say, in a clan match, this won't make any difference, just more fc defenders.


[ Don't mention the illegal beta. ] Bringing back s/o ctf gameplay and not affecting anyone else. Why's it so hard for people to agree with?!

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I have seen games over an hour tied at 0, is that fast paced?


A good flager is already unbeatable with a good team in JO.


Want fast paced game: g_saberscaledamage* 2 + guns.


* or was damagescale?.


About s/o I think take out speed to the carrier will make the game even faster (because the flager dies sooner) and is very logical because he has a flag on his back.

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"A good flager is already unbeatable with a good team in JO."


Untrue. Even Special, when he was in diverse, would get killed with Side heal whoring him, and the rest of diverse energize whoring him. JK2 was basically perfectly balanced in regards to s/o CTF. As for removing speed.....uh....exactly what Myth said. That was my favorite thing about CTF. The speed of the game.

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Originally posted by Comm539

We have a working method, why slow gameplay and change forces? Change one force then you want to change another and another.


well if u already have a working method in JA why do u need the kicks back? :)


but as other have said, even if the carrier could not use speed he would still be unstopable because of team mates healing and so on.


so even if u got the kicks back, his team would still heal him, and as i said earlier, u can get back up almost straight away in JA, so dont see how its going to make better, apart from tuning it back to Kick Only CTF :)

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We had a working method (kicks) in JK2 (but none in JA)

After a Knockdown in JA, you can jump up, but you could also do this in JK2. Fc's were still killed thopugh. The kick is a way to stop a person who doesn't want to be stopped. Even with a heal whorer, if you stop someone, your entire team can gangbang him and no amount of healing can prevent the fc's death.

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#1 taking stuff out/nerfing is what made this problem; let's not go in that direction.


#2 Full Force saber only players crave one thing that ff/so has that no other game type has:


An almost perfect balance of complexity and fast paced action.



You have the speed and fast paced nature of a full weapon game (guns) and none of the slow, long, boring, drawn out pace found in No Force saber only games.


But on the same hand you have none of the sloppy "random splash damage shot spamming" that is found in gun games and yet, you still have the refined and precise combat that is found in saber only games.


I agree that kicks should not be the only way to kill cappers.


As I have mentioned before the default damage cvar for saber only games needs to be at 2.


The force restrictions on specials needs to be lifted.


Kicks need to be implemented for all stances, and not the useless staff kicks. I'm talking the double tap/side kicks, even if they are only available in single/dual stances.


The line of sight restriction needs to be lifted off grip.


All of those open the flood gates for combo development, saber kills and many other things we can and will create if we are given the chance to.


That is really the core problem, it's like Raven took Jedi Outcast, renamed it Jedi Academy but before it went public, they shackled and restricted everything.


It's not a new game with scores and scores of new material to learn. It's the same old game with an 800 pound ball and chain around it's ankle and all we are asking is it be unlocked.

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Perhaps adding a very slight encuberance while carrying the flag, including a slight adjustment to the speed of your "force speed" running, may be the answer.


If you took away speed while carrying the flag, it would suck. It isn't a problem, and all the complaining about how something was overpowered and the fact that la actually listens, ruined Jedi Knight 2, a game where players with talent, skill, and intelligence were once able to dominate, but now can easily be pwned by an idiot running around arbitrarily swinging their saber at nothing.


This game already sucks as is, but let's try and suggest things that might make it better, and not by nerfing it.

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This is basically the same code from JK2. The kicks were there in the <illegal pre version we are forbidden to mention>. These kicks worked in JK2, would work in JA and would solve the entire complaint. Raven has disabled them. We just ask for a patch to reenable them with a command (so they're toggleable).

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