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Dark Trooper Phase 1 final


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Here are some screenshots of it taken in game on Jedi Academy:







I hope you like it. The skin was made by Stormhammer. He will be responsible for all the skins for my models from now on, since he is a talented artist.

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The metal is pure chrome =). The coloured effects are the dynamic lights. Nevertheless there is already a stained, dirty version of the same skin for Gromas, you can see dirt coming out of the holes in the armor and stuck on other places, like the feet and the head.

It doesn't look like a messy sandtrooper, the detail is subtle, but add a little more of realism.

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I'm tearing at the eyes since I can't play the mod after seeing these!


Well, not really, but if I were that geeky I wouldn't hesitate in telling you. That looks FANTASTIC. Better than all the other stuff you've shown, and even then I thought it was impressive. Keep it up guys. ;)

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To my knowledge, the Phase 2 and 3 will be kept a secret until a possible trailer or the actual mod's release. I hope they keep it a secret until the mod's release, because it'll employ that sense of surprise when you gotta fight them.


Question: What will be in the DT's hand? Can you make them 'slash' with fist since the fist makes them punch? Will you be able to make them charge foward while slashing away, or will you change the mechanics of the movement due to possible engine restricitons? It it's the latter, how do you plan to make them fight (or is that a secret until the mod's release to? :p)


And actually, on LF, all I do is post here (more and more since I said I'd leave since the possibility of a new PC is so much greater and that means JA will be within my grasp :D), the DF forum, and collecting. I don't keep track of my post count, but since I registered at LF for this mod I'll be sure my 3000th post is in this forum ;)

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