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Favourite Level **Spoilers!**


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Originally posted by SamFisher

I decided to put this together go convenience(sp?).




Yavin: Rescue Rosh on the other side of the river and make your way to the Acadamy.

Yavin Training: Go through the training course with Kyle and Rosh.

Tatooine: Investigate Merchenary activity on Tatooine.

Tatooine Part 2: Droid Recovery: Get the droid off the Jawa Sandcrawler.

Bakura: Re-take the power plant for the Bakurans from the Imperials.

Benjeel: Pick up any survivours from the merchant ship crash.

Corellia: Go to Coronet and investigate any Cult activity.

Hoth: Investigate the site of the Luke's vision of Obi-Wan.

Nar Kreeta: Release the Elders from the Hutt Lord.

Zonju V: Meet the worker 3km outside Zoronhed and find out what he knows.

Kril'Dor: Help Wedge capture the gas platforms.

Coruscant: Capture Lannic Racto, a small-time crime lord on Coruscant.

Dosuun: Investigate Dosuun for signs of Cult activity.

Vjun: Go to Vjun with Master Katarn to stop the Cult from siphoning the force power there.

Chandrila: Stop the Cult from from siphoning the force power from the Jedi's tomb.

Tannb: Investigate informaton from a frighter captian.

Yalara: Go and destroy the cloaking device befor it falls into the wrong hands.

Byss: Look for signs of Cult activity on Byss with Kyle.

Ord Mantell: Blow up the weapon stockpiles.

Taspir III: Find Rosh and Kyle in the facility.

Korriban: Go to Ragnos' tomb and confront Tavion.



Console Map List:





































Here yer go.:)

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The SP game is wonderful, and it is now the second best game I have ever played (my first choice is Deus Ex :)). Still this game was awesome from beginning to start. Here is my favorites of the game . . .


Best "Kick @ss" Level: Yalara

#3 way fire fight with Noghri, Imperials, Cultists, and the Jedi? It was just too great with all the action and chaos.


Best "Thrill" Level: Zonju V

#Swoops! The speed! Lightsaber + Swoop + Enemies chasing you on swoops = WIN. I hope to see an MP version of all this.


Best "Atmosphere" Level: Corellia

#I don't even know how they created the "tram moving through windy rainy city really fast" effect. It was awesome fighting on it too (push people of the tram and they go "AHHH!"). Maybe some Q3A Engine guru can enlighten me . . . :cool:


Best Architecture: Tie between Taspir III, Vjun, Chandrila, and Korriban

#They were beautiful, awesome maps. 'Nuff said!


Best "Weird" Levels: Tie between Dosuun, Tanaab, and Blenjeel(sp?)

#Playing a game with a chubby guy running around an Imperial Outpost where the loser dies is just scary. Coming to a merchant ship to see that there is nothing more to do but repair your ship from salvaged parts and see a guy get eaten by a Sarlacc Pit monster is just odd. Coming to a freight cargo bay only to find a mutant rancor around is freaky. All great levels (Dosuun had a great intro).


Best "Imperial Base" Level: Byss

#Okay, it isn't an Imperial base, but its a Dreadnaught! It was fun ending up at an asteroid field sucked of dark energy and then getting captured.


Best "Crappy Architecture" Level: Coruscant

#Good mission, but the cityscape architecture and texturing sucked.


Best "NPC" Level: Tatooine Part 2: Sandcrawler

#Defend the Jawas from Tuskens! Oh yeah! I wish I could beat them with their gaffi (sp?) sticks. . .


Best "Nostalagia" Level: Hoth

#Nice rendition of Echo Base from ESB. It had an interesting plot.


All the maps were good and receive honorable mention. I never had dismay in any one of them. The cutscenes were a lot better in the game as compared to JO.

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I liked the atmosphere of the Korriban level (the Jedi tomb one)... The first one was great, lots of great fight and some puzzles...


The second one was one big area, nicely done, but not that much of a thrill...


Inside the tomb was quite boring and the final fight was mainly frustrating at times, since the fights are way too chaotic... Now I know why KOTOR uses a turn-based combat system :D

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My favorite missions were the Tatooine level where you fight Tusken Raiders, I liked the two Hoth missions, the Imperial Dreadnaught mission (Byss or something?), and the Coruscant mission. I also liked the atmosphere of the train mission, with the buildings flying by.

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Originally posted by Janus Krug

I know speed is the way to get through there, but why even have it? It's those kind of hallways, the ones that make me say "Why do we even HAVE this hallway?", that irk me greatly.


'Cause it wouldn't be a Star Wars game without the occasional 'Super Mario' moments where you've got to jump or dodge your way through an obstacle course. It's a tradition of sorts.


Pushing blocks for the light side.

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