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8 blades 'sabers' ingame bug?


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Hi there,

I've been playing around with multi-blades sabers and I tried doing a 8 bladed weapon. Kind of chakram, with laser spikes. Well, I did it, everything ok, appears in the sabers' menu, and so.


But then I tried to launch a mp-solo game to test the weapon. The game loaded right, but right before dropping me in the game I was sent back to main menu and I received an error message which looks quite weird ! Here it is :


"WP_SaberParseParms :

saber single_ckrm [saber's name] has

illegal numbers of blades

(8) max : 8"


Well, if max number of blades is 8, and I've got 8, where is the problem? :)

Anyway there is a problem and I haven't found which yet...

I'll also paste here my .sab file:







name "Laser Disc" [i love joke names :rolleyes]


saberModel "models/weapons2/Saber_ckrm/saber_ckrm.glm"

soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"

soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"

soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"

saberColor random

numBlades 8

saberRadius 1

saberLength 15





Here it is.

So, someone got a clue ? Did 8-bladed weapons worked for someone or is that a little issue ?


See you,


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the only thing I can think of is that you don't have the proper number of tags, or one of the names is off; a typo maybe. Try changing the numBlades to 1 and test them in increments of 1 until you hit the error. If seven works and eight doesn't, then check the model file for that tag 8. If everything seems good, then it may be a bug.

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Well, thanks for the link, AsK! I hadn't seen this topic, although I always look everywhere before asking. Now I know it's a bug, so all is left to do is wait for a patch or something.

By the way, exaxcly like AsK, my weapon worked fine with 7 blades, so I was in the same situation ;)


For dadmad, here is a screenshot - it should belong to showcase forum, but I don't want to promote my work or anything yet, and I just show this as information :p




Now, I've got another problem with the left saber... I already told that in the "ja lightsaber?" topic, but better twice than once, especially knowing than I'm running out of spare time :rolleyes: the problem is simple, I can't get this single saber to work like a single ssaber should. That means I can't change stance, all it does is drawing off the bonus little blades. Playing around with saberStyle and singleBladeStyle is not the solution I want, so... Is that hard coded? Anyway other that making a mod to use multibladed sabers as single sabers ?

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That's a sad news.

Well, let's hope that in any patch Raven will do something for that and the 8th blade issue ! Hoping our raven's programmer forum mate will read this post and do something for us poor editing-lovers :p


So far thanks for your answers... I Think I'll release my Disc on jk2files for now and continue doing more and more stuffs. That's fun ;)


Take care,


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It's not important, that's why I'm releasing my weapon on showcase forum. It's just that I had already made my hilt for 8 blades purpose... Let just consider it as a curiosity and a test, and after all when something says yes, why do something else says no ? It should be working so I was wondering why it wasn't... :cool:


And if you said, emon, that the code has been fixed, I'm glad to hear it ;) But OUR code isn't fixed yet, or I could be wrong : I haven't seen a little patch so far :p And actually I'd rather see the single multi-bladed saber annoying little issue fixed in such a patch...

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dude how exactly did you make the mutli blade star sabre thing, i havnt tried myself yet cos this computer cant run JA very well so i do my mjodding on the other one so i cant test ATm but how did you do that. pls tell em or give me a hit or two

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