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Help with a boss (in JA) *possible spoiler*


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since this might be a spoiler Im going to use spoilertag on all of it

well.. I made it this far without having to put a single thing in this forum... but now its time to get help... I cant get rid of Boba Fett!!!

he is driving me crazy with his refilling lifestyle disappear and come back with full health.. damn him



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While I was writing my walkthrough for JA, several people forwarded a very useful tip: use force sense. You can see where all the detonators should be placed, as blue. Just run around with speed and sense on and wait in each room for force to recharge before continuing onto the next one. Generally I push Fett if he's close to me or push his rockets back at him. Are you sure he doesn't take damage? I just waited for a while using my saber to reflect his blaster bolts back at him while I was running between bombs. I had already taken him down to about 25% health by the time I had to go back to the ship and duke it out with him either using the lightsaber or concussion rifle. Two shots later he was toast and I was congratulating myself on a job well done.

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Well, as soonm as them ission started i was under the impression i could kill him, so i got him trapped and shot him to death with a combination of lightning. Eventually when he died, he disappeared >:(

Shocking, had no bother with him afterward though ;)

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Like his father, he's a "simple man". He's not force sensative. He isn't big and bad with a conc rifle. Fry him. Dice him. He is not much of a threat now that your core powers are at lvl 3. He's just a normal bloke -granted he flys, but he doesn't have a saber. Thus, his only defense in close combat is the flamethrower which you can just step around.




Blasters. don't just stand there and let him hit you -move! You also carry a lightsaber. It is a powerfull defensive tool. Use it.


Flamethrower. Don't just stand there and let him burn you -waste him and dodge it!


Rockets. They're slow. Move or give them a shove in his direction.


Disruptor... Just move, remember he is still however -perhas you'd like to show him what happens to people who mistake a Jedi for someone who only fights in melee. Whip out a gun a teach him a lesson.

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Boba has a sniper rifle, a rapid-fire laser rifle, thermal detonators, a rocket launcher and that damned BBQ maker...


Force Sense is your friend for finding the weapon caches. An easy anti-Boba trick is to get him to land, run up on him and then hit Speed. He starts flaming, during which time he stands still... either circle and slash him or back away, pull out your biggest gun and hit him so hard he'll forget why he came there.

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It must be me, but JA is incredibly easy on every level except Jedi Master (haven't tried that one)... Some fights with bosses etc. are hard, but boba fett for instance, was very very easy...


I use the concussion rifle, rocket launcher etc. to do him some good damage, then use my blaster to make him go away. Then I plant one or two charges. I protect myself using force protect, use speed to run away if I don't want to fight...


The possibilities are ENDLESS!!


But remember to save some ammo (conc. works great) for the final fight where you have to do even more damage to him


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Somebody should mention that there are some underground rooms near your fighter plane. They are a nice place to run, hide and heal up if you goofed during that final portion when you have to fight him.


Just be sure to jump in and out close to the door rather than run along that narrow, long ramp. You don't want to be trapped in a slot when he fires a missle at you.

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Fett follows a very specific pattern that will, if you're patient, bring him even within sabering range. I beat the game on Jedi Master without using a single gun...Fett definitely took close to 15 minutes to beat, but it was worth it. Beating him with a lightsaber is so much more rewarding than shelling him. ;)

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I didn't have any troublewith him at all. I didn't use any guns either. I had max lightning by then so whenever he would fly down to bother my I lightniged his ass, and he would run away.


When I fought him in the end I lightened him with both hands, then when he tried to get out of range I gripped him and threw him to the ground. Then I sabered his ass and he died, took all of 40 seconds. I would say taking on 4 reborns without rage is harder than Boba by far.

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