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JKII maps FOR JKA all done...

Cosmos Jack

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I've had to pull all the custom maps AND hilt mods I added because it was making my server go to pieces and crash.


I loaded up one of the new sabers one night that was a staff and it appeared to everyone else that I was doing staff moves with a single blade! Of course that was followed by a torrant of flames and a vote-kick attempt (on my own damn server!), so I decided to ditch the entire idea for now.


We need some admin mods soon. The thought of being able to silence hecklers really sounds like a cool idea the more I think about it.


Who's up to the challenge?

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Hmm What is the big thing about "ADMIN MODS"? I was on a server last night and got kicked, because I killed a guy that attacked me and he cried lamer. It's just bull sh!t. 1/2 off all the people that play ONLINE GAMES should be drug out and shot in real life FOR BEING STUPID!!!!


You can kick people without "ADMIN MODS." What are you asking for all the cheesy little kinder garden crap like putting people to sleep.


The amount of people that use them 9 out of 10 abuse them. I'm saying 9 out of 10, because I have never been on a server that wasn't totally stupid that was running one.


They ruin the game and all the lame people end up playing. While anybody that actually wants to play the game gets kicked, because they don't want to stand around.


If someone wants to make a "ADMIN MOD" make a CHAT BLOCKER so you can turn off a "annoying players typing." That way they can't say anything and nobody has to put up with them.


The only servers that run "ADMIN MODS" are the ones where everyone is doing stupid emotes and standing around crying lamer to anyone that attacks them. IT'S A FREAKIN FFA.... In a FFA you run around trying to kill everyone it's not a freaking RPG. That is what KOTOR and Star Wars Galaxies are for.:mad:

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

If someone wants to make a "ADMIN MOD" make a CHAT BLOCKER so you can turn off a "annoying players typing." That way they can't say anything and nobody has to put up with them.


Uh. Isn't that essentially what I said? An admin mod to block chats of certain players? Another feature I would love to have in an admin mod would be the ability to get rid of 'Padawans'. Private and scheduled system messages would be nice as well. STATS!!! What exactly does all this have to do with 'lamers'? I dunno, you're going to have to help me out there.


So, Comsos... are you 'known' for going off on strange tangents like this from time to time?

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Yep. Kensai it was.


I may be safe to go back and try the map WITHOUT the hilts this time. But until things settle back down (and I don't run people off), I'm going to hold off. The server is packed 24/7 at this point and I don't want to keep rocking the boat.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

So, Comsos... are you 'known' for going off on strange tangents like this from time to time?

Hmmm You said you wanted ADMIN MODs. I told you what I think about them. I thought it was pretty clear...


Is there a rule that says you can go off on a tangent and I can't? As I recall you brought up the ADMIN MODs. I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't there. As far as I can tell there is enough lame threads promoting ADMIN MODs as it is. So don't turn this thread into one.:o

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Originally posted by cheeto101

damn, that sucks, good hilt pack though, and personally i kinda like the 1 bladed, staff anim. Looks exotic.

Well if you activate cheats in SP and do the "give all" and "setforceall 3" commands while haveing a single saber. Then you can use all the stances with one saber. I did it and thought there was a bug for a second... lol



"Lord Sokar" Try running your server without hilt packs and see how it does. I even fined a lot of times I can't get into a server running these maps, because they are using a hilt pack I can't fined. Makes it frustrating.:(

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It seems to me that it would be better for everyone if Raven would simply grab the old JO maps, tweak them as necessary, and release them as 'Official Map Pack #1'.


Then maybe select a bunch of the best user maps out there, and release them as 'Official Map Pack #2'.


This would give popular maps more legitimacy, and assist server admins in getting a better variety of maps in circulation for people to play on. If Epic can do that for UT and UT2K3...why can't Raven/Lucasarts work something out along these lines?

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"StormHammer" I was wondering myself about why they just didn't edit the old JKII maps and put them in JKA. It wouldn't have been that hard for them to do. They are basically the same thing and they have all the tools. They didn't do it and I don't think they will. Especially with custom maps. :(


I think the moding community is really what keeps these games alive if the maps are converted to te best quality it will be by moders. I doubt if they will put much more money in the game aside from bug fix patches.:rolleyes:

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:D Now there is a updated version "well patch" for the "Duel of the Fates V 2.0." All it does is update the missing textures, though; there is still one missing texture for the elivator in the back of the map but it's harly noticabe.


Here is the Map.........



Here is the .PK3 Patch......


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My mistake, the "Big Bacta" (which is on no maps I know of yet) only restores 50 hp (the regular bacta restores 25).


All the items work just like in JK2!


You can set your server to auto download the files to people, that will help them get spread out.


Use the level packs.. forget the individual map versions!

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Originally posted by Kurgan

You can set your server to auto download the files to people, that will help them get spread out.


Use the level packs.. forget the individual map versions!


Auto-downloading is OK for small files (less than 1MB) because they can be downloaded in a reasonable amount of time using the some of the server's precious bandwidth, although most players won't wait even 1 minute before trying another server. However in this case


JK II Duel Map Pack 16.7MB

JK II CTF Map Pack 17.3MB

JK II FFA Map Pack 34.6MB


No client is going to wait the hours it would take to download these files from a game server, especially since in my experience they won't even take the time to download them much faster from a file site. Best to set sv_allowDownload "0" on your server.

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hello its the guy who made the map packs. i was reading on waht u guys think about the packs. thanks for your complments. it took me 2 days non stop taking out every needed texture for the maps (VERY LONG DAMN TIME i might add). btw for the mistakes ja is not reading the jk ii elevator and coding for them to movee right. and the door eviator sounds didnt work i tried to add them to ja they didnt function. and the overlite sand texture is not me, ja is thinking there is sky on that texture and is over lighting it. and for the jk ii maps being dark is because raven turned off the cmd r_overbrightbits this causes the bright desktop problem so they turned it off to stop it. but this causes the maps to be extreamly low in brightness. and the reason why i only relased the packs to pcgamemods is because they have a file sumtion system to auto add them to the site. jkfiles took 6 or 7 weeks to realse things from me before. oh and i might add i have 56k sorry but i cant aford cable in new york.

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