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First person lightsaber... am i daft???


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From what i have heard from raven is that they need to go back and do animations for all the skins, over 2000 more animations, in order for there to be an effective first person mode. I think don't think that's the whole truth. So basically we are SOL when it comes to a patch. However, from my understanding, if someone were to convert all the jaden skins into transparent skins and made it so the option to switch from first to third were implemented, it could work, as the game would need to switch skins for cutscenes. However, as i stated in other threads, i have tried but to no avail to modify the game. I do not know the intracasies of the Q3 engine well, so i'm hoping someone could figure it out or point me in the right direction.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

From what i have heard from raven is that they need to go back and do animations for all the skins, over 2000 more animations, in order for there to be an effective first person mode. I think don't think that's the whole truth. So basically we are SOL when it comes to a patch. However, from my understanding, if someone were to convert all the jaden skins into transparent skins and made it so the option to switch from first to third were implemented, it could work, as the game would need to switch skins for cutscenes. However, as i stated in other threads, i have tried but to no avail to modify the game. I do not know the intracasies of the Q3 engine well, so i'm hoping someone could figure it out or point me in the right direction.


Actually that's not really true. You can do a FPS view without making up custom skins for all the different models. You can simply turn off the textures surfaces you don't want. Sure it won't look as pretty as that weird "fading"skiin that Raven did for JK2 but it's still very useable.


Besides, when I created True View for MP. It was suprior to the stuff Raven used, but noone really cared. I don't think many people use it.

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Originally posted by razorace

Besides, when I created True View for MP. It was suprior to the stuff Raven used, but noone really cared. I don't think many people use it.


I liked it very much! I'm a FPLS fan and true view was a big step forward. But you closed the project... :(


I'd like to have a MOD with only true_view and no other changes of the gameplay. If that was the case I would have continued to use your MOD in my LAN games with my brother. Can't you do a "modular" MotF? Or maybe a little build just for me? :D

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I only closed the project because of engine limitations. I'm planning on working on it again once the qvm code is out. I'm not sure if I'll put True View back in. It apprenently confused the crap out of people.


I might add it to MotF and OJP if I have the time/will to do it. With improvements of course. :D

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I'm not a big fan of first person view for the saber, especially now, as I use the saberstaff by choice and want to see whats going on all around me from 3rdperson view...(nb. i mainly play SP, or against bots, so I hope not to get any anti saberstaff in MP type arguments :p)


With the great work Raven has done on the models, especially my stunning scantily clad twilek jaden, it silly to reduce that to a hand or gun poking out from the bottom of the screen......


I'm sure that the old school FPS gamers from the doom generation(yes, I am that old too) will always have a soft spot for first person view. With regards to JA, I like to refer to it as a TPS game, "Third Person Saber", rather than a FPS.....



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Actually i was referring to single player. MP is a whole other thing that i won't get into as i don't even touch MP. The ideas behind true view were awesome as i tried using it in a test MP game against bots but then again like i said i don't play MP. I like to create my own SP levels. Would there be any alternate SP commands to turn off the surface textures such as the head and maybe the torso but not the arms? That would solve all my first person problems right there, combined with the other commands to zoom into first person.

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Well, unfortunately, the SP fpls code doesn't use the same code as True View. Your eye position isn't the same and code forces that special "fading" skin.


I suppose you could replace the fading skin with another but it probably won't look correct without the proper eye code. You wouldn't beleive how much work I went thru to get it to work/look correctly. :)

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All that need be done is to add a semi-transparent (arms only or headless) Kyle skin like was done in JK2 1.04 (and for SP JK2 from the start).


It would be a client side option to be used with CG_FPLS 1/G_FPLS 1.


I'm all for it. It could work with melee and lightsaber.

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That might work, but like I stated before, it might not look correct either. I had major problems with making true view because you have to carefully positional the camera or else you see your nonexistent neck when you look down. It's a minor problem but something to consider.

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I think by using JO's old first person code, i can somehow go into JA and paste the first person code into some obscure text file(i hope), thus theoretically giving me a first person mode on the fly. I would then need to be able to switch back and forth to third person as stated below. Plus the game would need to know when to switch between skins for cutscenes....... dammit, i'm in over my head here. Unfortunately i don't have the slightest idea of what i need to edit in order to do this.


Plus the fact that you DO in fact need a transparent skin in order for you to see clearly ahead of you. If i remember correctly, i believe JO had the first person view somewhere under kyle's head about chest level.


I can go and input some console commands thus giving me this view and can bind them to the .cfg file. This is all speculation of course and i can be totally wrong. But if anyone can point me in the right direction, you would be doing me and the other first person minority players a huge favor.

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Unfortunately, the code control the player's viewpoint isn't accessable from a txt file. You need the qvm code (for MP) and the game source code (for SP).


As for where the viewpoint was in JK2 SP, I beleive it was strapped to the top of your player model's head. I'm not 100% on that thou. It's been a while. :)

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Originally posted by razorace

I only closed the project because of engine limitations. I'm planning on working on it again once the qvm code is out. I'm not sure if I'll put True View back in. It apprenently confused the crap out of people.


I might add it to MotF and OJP if I have the time/will to do it. With improvements of course. :D


So no little true_view-only build? :rolleyes:

Doh! :(

Would you make it for me? :o:D

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Well, the ability to do it for SP is 100% dependant on if Raven releases the SP code.


As for MP, I might get to it, but no guarentees. I got a lot of other stuff I want to work on as well. If I do it, I'll be sure to have it installed in OJP so people that don't want to play MotF to get True View can use it.

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Well about the correct human FOV not looking correct I might just throw a hunch from what i learned playing with cameras in 3ds max.


Cameras have 2 settings that play a part here... the FOV and the lens. Well If i raise the FOV from 45 degrees to 80 degrees the line of sight is boradened by the objects that are really close suddenly become farther...or so it seems...in JO i saw it and it looked like fish eye lens. Now the lens set the ammount of magnification.


By messing with both values you might get a compromise of what would look closer to real life.


I dunno if JO or JA supports the equivalent to lens but it's woth a shot. So if any of you trying to get true view look decent you can try this if you havent already.



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