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"Long Blades" Lightstaff Mod


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Based on measurements from photos of the actual props used for Phantom Menace, I have discovered that Darth Maul's overall saber length was slightly longer than the single sabers' lengths. Note that the blades are actually still shorter, but the increased length of the hilt results in a longer overall length. In Jedi Academy, the lightstaffs are slightly shorter in overall length compared to the single sabers. I calculated the percentage difference from the photos, and modified JA's lightstaffs so they have a similar proportion.


I've submitted my mod to Lucasfiles, and it should be up soon.


The difference is slight, since my intent is realism, not to make the lightstaff more powerful than it already is.

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I knew it! I knew someone was going to mention that "lightsabers are not realistic". Hahaha!


Obi, I meant "realism" in the same way we talk about "realistic saber combat". :p


By the way, it's "lightsaber", not "lightsabre". (and yes, I know the original movie scripts spelt it as sabre). If you look at all the official stuff nowadays, though. It's always spelt "lightsaber".

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Ok, the mod is now up on lucasfiles. LEt me know whether you gyus prefer it this way, or like the original length.


If it's popular, I'll make a Version 2 which modifies the Reborn_dual's sabers as well (I had forgotten to do this for the first version).

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Does this mean that the most deadly(?) weapon of the game has been made even more deadly on the expense of other saber styles and game balance in general, or is it just eye candy...something to please the crowd who actually cares whether the lightstaff is 1,68 or 1,57 metres long?


Eye candy is all good as long as it does not in any way mess up game balance. :)

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Since it is for single-player, balance is not really a problem. Furthermore, if you have downloaded the mod, you will find that the difference is not large enough to make the lightstaff any more powerful than it already is. Frankly, it is more of a cosmetic mod than anything else.


I made it because I usually use the lighstaff in SP, but fight mostly with one blade turned off. This mod allows me to have the same blade length with one blade as I would with a normal single-saber.


If you're worried that it will make things too easy, then don't download it. But those of you who do will realise that it won't. :)

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Originally posted by sLaX0r

About your mod, i cannot do kicks anymore!


The only good thing is that i can throw a double bladed lightsaber.:cool:


I'm having the same problem!


I can't kick with staff now. but can throw with 2 blades on.


I'll post a screenshot soon.....

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I don't have any place to upload pics.


You wouldn't be able to tell much from a screenshot, though. Imagine a lightstaff with an additional 1.5mm length on each end on your screen.


At least for me, it removes the feeling that the saber is slightly "too short".

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