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The Greatest Improvement that could happen to this game is.......


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To slow the whole thing down!


You just seem to spendmost your time legging it waving your saber around.


If walk was default, perhaps not allowing you to use your saber whilst running, I don't know. I just feel it would help massively.


What does anyone else think?

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Practice more and get used to the speed. I like the game the way it is. If you want to walk while fighting...you can do so, if that's how you want to play. Maybe you can even find some like-minded people and set up your own server to play that way. I prefer the combat the way it is, and it doesn't really need 'improvement' :rolleyes:

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Arggh, not this again! You do realize that they slowed down JK2 already?


Try playing Jedi Knight or Mysteries of the Sith someday, and you'll see the overall speed is like 4x faster.


Besides, if you were REALLY interested in making the game play like you're floating through mollasses in winter, that is also possible with cvars to change the game speed. But don't say I didn't warn you....

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Originally posted by Sgt. Antronch

SH are those JA lightsaber burns on you avatar?


Yep...it comes straight off a screenshot. ;)


And yes, Kurgan's right about the cvars - forgot to mention those. :D


I just wish people would stop asking for sweeping changes to the default game, and nerf it for everyone else - especially when you can not only tweak the game and play the way you want 99% of the time, but someone could also quite easily make a mod.


Leave the base game alone, I say.

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Make the gameplay slower?


Geez, JA's gameplay is the slowest gameplay of any first person shooters I have ever played, with the exception of Splinter Cell (which was a purely tactical game and required a lot of thinking, so the speed was perfect). If they alter the default speed in any way, they should make it faster.

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