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whats ur favorite vehicle


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For sheer destruction the AT-ST. ; )



Nothing like flattening rebels while shooting rockets and lasers at their defenses (but man, those turrets hurt!).


Though Swoops are just great... and will be even better once we can make some bigger maps for them in MP.


I was playing the hoth2 single player map online with General tonight and we were both riding taun tauns and cutting down snowtroopers with our sabers. Fun!

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The swoop bikes were a lot of fun! Got all the little movie sound effects just right on them too. Too bad there weren't more missions where you could use 'em. The thought of a swoop bike lightsaber battle with some Reborn goons sounds like insane fun.

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Speaking of vehicles, i was in the swoop mission and decided it would be interesting to spawn an atst and try the mission with some nice firepower.


npc spawn vehicle atst_vehichle


the atst spawns, i hop in and low and behold, no weapons!


Anyone know how to get the weapons on the thing?



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In Siege you get access to vehicles in MP without cheats.


Siege_Hoth : the attacking Imperials have an AT-ST, there are also Heavy Blaster Cannons anyone can use (but only Rebel techs can repair)


Siege_Desert (Tatooine) : there are speeder bike (swoop) hangars after you get past the outer defense walls, that anybody can use. Also tons of Heavy Blaster Cannons spread out through the map.


Sadly the other vehicles are only accessible through cheats (or addon levels, like Wampa Joust). So hopefully we'll be seeing some new maps with some cool new vehicle spawns to use!

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