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Raven - add this in the next patch

Master William

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Please add the possibility to have longer names, as I have seen that clanmembers of my clan with long names never fit with it all.

This can get annoying. I don't care if it is a bug or not, just add the possibility to have longer names.


And don't blame it on the clan tag, they're the ones with names like


'The Man of the Cinderella Party'


I think that explains why we need longer names.

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Originally posted by Master William

Please add the possibility to have longer names, as I have seen that clanmembers of my clan with long names never fit with it all.

This can get annoying. I don't care if it is a bug or not, just add the possibility to have longer names.


And don't blame it on the clan tag, they're the ones with names like


'The Man of the Cinderella Party'


I think that explains why we need longer names.


No, clan tags getting too long really is the issue.


Every clan tries to add so much information into a tag...it's pretty ridiculous. I don't care if your clan thinks you're an Esteemed Jedi Master Knight Trainer Saber Forms or whatever. If I wanted to know that sort of crap I'd care enough to go find your website.


Tags can be simple and say everything you need to know. For instance: comp1337|ardent tells you two things. My clan and my name. [uGMJMOTS]comp1337|ardent[CTFFFADL] doesn't tell an outsider jack **** except my clan (if they can figure out that it's not UGMHMOTS or CTFFFADL) and my name.


If someone in my clan wanted to know my specialties (unlikely, as I actually know everyone in my clan and they know me) they can always ask me. If we used ranks, they could, again, ask me.


If you want to play as "The Uber Duder So 1337 He's the One to Beat" you really should stop and think how that can be shortened. Perhaps to Uber1337?


The name string limit is fine the way it is. I don't want my precious screen space wasted on unnecessarily long names, especially when half or more of it is just clan tag.

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no what I ment is that the colors take place, so if you are coloring it very nice, you get no room for the name itself.


and Ardent calm down, take a chill pill...


sure we could remove the ranks in game, but I doubt anyone will ask, they will think it is a clan without ranks.


I have seen people with longer names...



I hope some sort of script enables me to make my name longer... In the future...


Anyway, if the ranks are too much of a problem in my clan, I will perhaps tell everybody to not wear the rank tags in-game.


Good idea, but I prefer showing the ranks.

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I'd like to see more space for names too. Not because I want to be "Megaskilled-Luc Solar-the-bestest-jedi-and-ruler of the galaxiez-and-the-LucSolar-clan" but...I think it's odd that I can't name myself publiC enemy because there's not enough room.


Shouldn't be too hard to fix?

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Rofl, Ardent is so right! This is just ridiculous.


This is no personality-show where the craziest d00d with the funkiest name wins. It's a game, all you need a name for is the highscore and maybe to recognize someone a few days later.

If you worry about long and colorfull names I am sorry to say that you wasted a lot of money: windows already includes paint - and paint is all you are going to need.

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