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they overused models too much....


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it would have been even better if they created some more smugler models etc because i see the same smugglers for every crimelord mission. Plus wish there was more outside life such as people walking around in the city levels and some women etc in the tatooine maps.

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Unfortunately it does suffer a bit from the 'Clone Syndrome'. A bit more variety in the skins would have been most welcome...especially in light of the work Raven did with Soldier Of Fortune II - giving some characters sunglasses, hats, beards, etc.


And have you noticed that all of the 'human' antagonists are male? Indeed, there are only 2 female enemies in the game, and they are both bosses...unless you play the Dark Side ending and fight the Jedi...

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Okay, this REALLY bothered me. Look at how many NPCs use the generic Jedi/Prisoner model. The miner elders, generic Jedi 1, 2, and master skin, Lannik Racto, Merchant, and I'm probably missing someone. I'm making a mod that's going to add to the variety in the game. :roleyess:

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You know...having played the game all the way through, it occurs to me that not once did I encounter a RebornTrandoshan, RebornRodian or RebornWeequay - yet these models were spawnable in the demo (untextured). It looks like they simply didn't bother to use them after all. These could have added a bit more variety to the proceedings, I think. The point is, if they are still in the full game, they could be textured, and used.


Personally, I'd also like to see some female cultists. I mean...is there some unwritten code that says they can only be male?


The more I think about it, the more it's narking me. Male mercenaries, male Stormtroopers, male cultists... Is there some kind of problem casting females as baddies? :confused:

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a problem i thought they fixed but didnt, when i saw the jawas in the one level i was lke yey they actually decided to create outside life to create a better atmosphere, then i beat the game and see they didnt do it, i give them credit with the diverse levels, but bring some diverse models and stuff too.

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You do realize that if Raven was to make more models to compensate for the Clone Syndrome, they may as well make the game on 3 or 4 CDs to compensate. And also maybe throw in more locations and more outfits, and before you know it, we are getting Enter the Matrix syndrome by having 4 CDs to install and over 4GB of HDD space, and then people complain about the game being so space consuming.

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Enter The Matrix was a good game IMO :)

And the 4GB install didn't bother me at all.


But i agree alot more NPCs should have been put in, and actually be used, the RebornRodians/Trandoshans/Weequay should have been outfited in Cultist clothing or some type of clothing that has something to do with the Cult, Raven probarly didn't have time to give them better skins, so they just used the Rodian Skin.


Hmm, now that i think about it, i think i'll embarke down the road of skinning and Skin a replacement skin for the RebornRodian :D

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Originally posted by Andy867

You do realize that if Raven was to make more models to compensate for the Clone Syndrome, they may as well make the game on 3 or 4 CDs to compensate. And also maybe throw in more locations and more outfits, and before you know it, we are getting Enter the Matrix syndrome by having 4 CDs to install and over 4GB of HDD space, and then people complain about the game being so space consuming.


I disagree. As I said above, they managed to add 'bolt-on' bits and pieces to give a bit of variety in Soldier Of Fortune II (hats, sunglasses etc). I don't think those kinds of assets take up very much more room, and they can help to break up the look of characters on the screen. Or maybe if they had found some way to mix and match body parts for some of the enemies using the same customisation system that the player uses for their own character...


Besides, 4 CD game installations are becoming commonplace. I recently bought Mace Griffin and MOH:AA Deluxe, and both those games have 4 CDs. Mace Griffin would take up 5Gb with a full install... As I've said before, it's time for the industry to move on and adopt DVD as a more viable format. Games are not going to get smaller in the future...they're going to get bigger, especially due to higher res graphics, etc.

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Well, I wont have the problem with space, plus with the idea of building a 2nd PC that is better than this one, I wont have any concerns, buts it the people who have like a PIII 600 Mhz processor with a 20GB hd and such that the concern sets in.

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All games suffer from 'clone syndrome'. Look at BF1942, MOHAA (the expansions have made it better), Wolfenstien (not as badly though), and many other fps's. Clone syndrome is one thing that JO suffered terribly from.


We've already seen what the game can do from the character creation. Then look at the 'jedi_random' npc. Perhaps the game should have 2 or 3 different parts for each model, and randomly attach them to each other. That would reduce the far too common feeling of, "Hey!? Didnt I kill you already?"

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Don't forget about Cultist Commando and Cultist Destroyer. They too were not actually placed in any levels. Either that or I'm blind. :D


Part of the mod I'm making for JA will be giving the RebornRodian, etc. some better Sith clothes. So don't worry... My mod will hopefully add some variety to the NPCs.

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