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saber trails for katas


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Is there any way to make them smaller/shorter then what they are, a code or anything? Right now I find them a bit two long and they would look a lot better if you just did the move without all the extra saber trail. A little bit is cool but I just want to make them shorter.

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Kata trails remind me of certain anime hack 'n slash platformers... ugh. But at least I have a way of knowing when I've successfully pulled of a kata (clicking both mouse buttons simultaneously is not as easy as it sounds in the heat of battle).

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Deathsaint, are you an idiot?:rolleyes:


I agree with him but in a different way. PLayers should be allowed to change HOW THEY view their attacks!



I would love to keep the trail for kata's for identification and remove the trail for everyhthing else, those trails make duels sometimes impossible annoying for me....

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Deathsaint, are you an idiot?


Did I forget to add the [sarcasm][/sarcasm] for all the people who didn't get the "joke"?


Oke then:


[sarcasm]Maybe it's because Raven wanted other players to know when a Kata is being pulled off [/sarcasm] :p


Of course it is for identification! :rolleyes:


The only idiot around here must be you since you can't read between the lines :D

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Personally I would like the option to be able to turn the trail effect off with a cvar.


To me it's just annoying. I think the "guy standing in place not moving spinning a saber around like a baton" is pretty much a good enough visual clue that he's doing a Kata...


In Quake 3 you could disable various "weapon effects" like rocket flashes and such with a little console tweaking.


The main reason people did this was for a FPS boost, but in a game like JA, especially when dealing with the precise nature of saber combat, doing so would be a great bonus because you could visually identify impact points rather than guessing if that thrown saber made it past the trail effect that was blurring your vision.


Not to mention with location based damage, it would be beneficial to see where it actually landed, so as to help you gauge the damage you just inflicted.

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